Bryan is currently a high school student aspiring to be an entrepreneur capable of being a voice for the community and supporting others in need.
Despite growing up in a broken home, Juma Ventures’ academic, emotional, and professional support has created an environment that has empowered Bryan to believe in himself and become college eligible:
“I’ve gone from one broken home to another and because of that, I’ve never really felt like I have a home. … It’s expected that I will only fill the shoes of my deadbeat dad. I’ve been neglected and left to look after myself. With Juma Ventures, I have people who actually care about me. Before joining Juma, I was failing classes, did not have college eligibility, and lacked drive. My Youth Development Coordinator helps make sure that I’m on top of my academic life and that I follow through on my obligations. My Juma Leadership Committee Coordinator keeps me healthy, emotionally and mentally. The rest of the Juma staff ensures that all Juma youth feel welcome, appreciated, and included. What sets Juma Ventures apart from other programs and what really makes Juma the wonderful program that it is, is the staff.”
Support Juma and make a difference today with AdmitSee’s #12ReasonsToGive campaign. Create an AdmitSee profile and we’ll contribute to Juma’s program from now until Christmas Day. Together, we can help Juma pave the way to work, education, and financial capability for more low-income youth like Bryan across America.