How do you verify Admit Profiles?
AdmitSee verifies Admits using their school email addresses, college ID cards, or diplomas to make sure the names match their payment accounts. Our site is compatible with the Common Application. College students can directly upload their Common App PDF to ensure all fields are verified. Our team also conducts quality checks. If a profile seems questionable (e.g., the test scores are below the 25th percentile for a school or an essay sounds familiar), we require Admits submit additional documentation from CollegeBoard to verify their profile details. When creating profiles, Admits guarantee that the information they provide in their profiles was submitted in their official applications, though they can summarize or remove extremely personal information, including names of people and employers.
How do you prevent plagiarism?
AdmitSee grants university admissions offices complete, open access to our database of essays. Many universities utilize plagiarism software, including
TurnItIn for Admissions, to flag for plagiarized essays, and they can use this software to check against all essays Admits have shared on our site. Some admissions offices go the extra step of contacting high school guidance offices as well. You can read more about our plagiarism policy
Can I get a tour of how the site works?
Yes! We provide a site demo
video on Youtube. Learn how to use the site by watching this video.
Who are the people behind this awesome website?
We are a dedicated group of people who strive to make applying to college and grad school an easier, less stressful process. We’ve all been in your shoes... Read more about us