Navigating high school classes and college applications is stressful for everyone, especially parents. With that in mind, here are 20 times that Frank and Claire Underwood were incredibly relatable.
1. When you help your kids get off to school.
2. When your efforts go unnoticed.
3. When they block you on Instagram and Facebook.
4. When you butt heads with the PTA President.
5. When you really want to yell at them in public.
6. When your 16 year old asks for a car.
7. When you purposely embarrass your kids in the school parking lot.
8. When you motivate them to apply to college.
9. When you get a really bad progress report.
10. When they ask what you were like in high school.
11. When you give tough love.
12. When other parents keeps bragging about their kids.
13. When your daughter dresses inappropriately.
14. When you edit your kids’ common application.
15. When your child procrastinates submitting college apps.
16. When you get into a disagreement with the school counselor.
17. When your alma mater wait-lists your child.
18. When you have to sit through other performances before your kid comes on stage.
19. When your kid admits you were right about something.
20. When your realize you’ll be empty nesting soon.
Whether your kids have already left for college or you’re just starting with college admissions, you’ve probably felt this way at some point. Help destress the process by checking out accepted application files from students who have already gotten in. Read essays, find stats, and see advice answers on various parts of college life to find out where to apply and how to get in. We’ve helped thousands of students get into their dream schools already, and we’re excited to continue to help more.