5 Reasons to Intern in Paris This Summer

June 02, 2016
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Internships are the perfect way for students to gain hands-on experience and apply the knowledge they’ve picked up in college to real world situations. But why is there such pressure to do so in the U.S.? Be different and head to a foreign country like France to gain your professional experience.

Here are 5 reasons to intern in Paris this summer:

1. Travel Opportunity

It’s the summer - you’re looking for an opportunity to travel anyways, and this is your chance! You don’t have to feel guilty about taking a holiday, and during your time there, you can easily travel within Europe. There are plenty of major cities and interesting sites just a cheap plane ride away, so take advantage of the opportunity to travel.

2. Global Understanding

Working in the U.S. gets you great exposure, but it’s also great to have a global understanding of the field you’re interested in. This is something that will look great on your resume, and will certainly be helpful in the long run.

3. Cultural Differences

Whether you’re in college or already out in the workforce, you will work with colleagues with different cultural backgrounds. Everyone has a different set of values and working styles that may stem from the cultures, and it’s much easier to learn how to be considerate of that early on in life. Living in a new country and immersing yourself in the culture can provide you with a different perspective, one that can only help you grow.

4. Language Proficiency

Speak French? Do you want to? You can also take this opportunity interning abroad to brush up on your language. The best way to become proficient in a language is to use it on a daily basis with locals who can teach you to sound more like a native speaker.

5. Networking

Interning abroad will introduce you to a whole new network that you won’t be accessible to otherwise. Meet as many people as possible during your time there, listen to their experiences and journeys, and be sure to maintain those relationships.

If having an internship in Paris this summer sounds like something you don’t want to miss, here are some internship opportunities from Study Abroad Europe:

Marketing for well-known international commission

Position Description: Work in Paris on maintaining and updating organization’s informational brochures, dossiers, and website. Perform administrative tasks, including data management in the contacts database. Advise visitors on study and exchange resources. Apply here! 

Strategy and web marketing for a start-up

Position Description: Work with the founder (a Harvard Kennedy School graduate) on strategy and web marketing (SEO, SEM, community management), and present to investors about a startup that aims to make home exchange a mainstream vacation accommodation practice. Apply here!

Create English marketing materials for consulting firm

Position Description: Work in Paris for a waste management consulting firm and software vendor, creating English materials in PowerPoint, Word, HTML pages and email campaigns. Apply here!

You can also find more opportunities in France here, and they’re open for enrollment! All of them are unpaid internships, available for 4, 8, 12 weeks or more in Paris for a placement fee of $2,250. To apply, sign up here

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Not interested in these internship opportunities? Let us know what you are more interested in with this survey! We want to know how these factors may impact your decision as you look for internship and traveling opportunities. 

Remember, these reasons are not only applicable to finding an internship in Paris, but anywhere else around the world. If you are interested in studying in other European countries, Study Abroad Europe also offers internships in United Kingdom and Spain!

About The Author

Frances Wong
Frances Wong

Frances was born in Hong Kong and received her bachelor’s degree from Georgetown University. She loves super sad drama television, cooking, and reading. Her favorite person on Earth isn’t actually a member of the AdmitSee team - it’s her dog Cooper.


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