6 Tools for Effective Essay Editing and Proofreading

July 27, 2016

No writer is perfect. It takes draft, after draft, after draft, to get something that might be error free. It’s even harder to produce error free work when you’re the only one reading it before sending it out in the world to be read and critiqued by the masses. What can you do to help ensure that you’re submitting the very best work product possible? Use professional editing and proofreading services. Here are our favorite editing and proofreading services specifically for essays.

1. ProWritingAid

ProWritingAid helps you eliminate errors and improves readability. Their free version is a great value and the premium programs can really help you take your writing to the next level. One of the best features of this tool is it will tell you what words and phrases you use repetitively. This helps make your writing more dynamic and interesting.

2. Hemingway App

The app uses color-coding to point out potential areas for improvement. For instance, if the app thinks a sentence is too long or complex it will highlight the sentence in yellow signally you to review and potentially edit it. It highlights adverbs in blue so that you can consider using a verb instead, a word choice with more effect.

3. BoomEssays

BoomEssays specializes in essays and can effectively and efficiently edit and proofread your work. They have incredibly fast turn-a-round times, so if you are in a time crunch to get your essay submitted this is a great choice for you. Their blog is another great resource for information, tools, and tricks to take that essay from average to A+.

4. Slick Write

Slick Write is an easy-to-use grammar checker. You input your text in and it quickly identifies issues for review. We love that you can customize the feedback to suit your writing style and voice.

5. Polish my Writing

This language checkers helps identify issues with spelling, style, and grammar. It utilizes open source, language processing, and artificial intelligence technology to identify writing errors and offer suggestions. Polish my Writing can be used in WordPress as well as most other platforms you’ll want to work in, making this a very versatile tool to use.

6. Proofread Bot

Proofread Bot is a simple, plug-in error review application. What we really like about Proofread Bot is the Rules and Support Forum sections of its website. The Rules section will help you learn how to fix identified errors, making you more likely to remember them in the future and the Forum is a great place to ask questions and get advice. You can post a sentence you have a question about and people will help you find the answer you need. 


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With writing, it often feels like it’s never done, but with these apps and tools you can submit your essay knowing you’ve putting your best foot forward. Whether it’s your college application essay, or your history thesis, these tools will not only help you craft the best version of it, but it will also help improve your writing skills. Try these 6 editing and proofreading tools and let us know which ones you prefer and why. Thank you for reading and good luck on that next essay.

About The Author

Mary Walton, Guest Blogger
Mary Walton, Guest Blogger

Mary Walton is a professional editor and online tutor, currently living in Santa Monica. She’s starting educational blog Simple Grad to share her thoughts on education and writing. Follow Mary on Twitter and LinkdIn!

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