7 Things to Stock Up on When You’re Home for Thanksgiving

November 23, 2015

If this is your first year at college, there’s a big chance that this is also the first time you have to “go home for Thanksgiving”, or any holiday for that matter. Even if you’re a seasoned traveler, there are always some great benefits at home that you just can’t get while away in college So should you remember to stock up on when you return home for the holidays?

Home-cooked meals 

And not just the big one on Thursday - really take this opportunity to enjoy food that does not come from Chipotle or the “grill” at dining hall. You’ll realize just how much you miss a good, home-cooked meal. Have a favorite childhood recipe? Holidays are the perfect time to chow down on those dinners that you just haven’t had time (or don’t know how) to make. 


If you have a long break, this could be a chance to grab a few hours at that place you worked during the summer. If not, maybe it’s time to show your parents that A you got on your Financial Accounting midterm and explain to them how expensive everything really is in New York City. If you can’t go back to your previous job, there are plenty of retailers looking for seasonal help. 

Winter Clothes

Use this opportunity to pack your suitcase with all your winter coats and boots because, like it or not, getting out of bed for that 9:00am class will be even harder when it’s snowing outside.


Just sleep in, everyday, in your own bed. You have no idea how good it feels, especially if this is first time returning home since going off to college. Really use this as a time to recharge; there is a big difference in going “home” to your dorm at 2am on a Friday night and going home for Thanksgiving break. Really make sure you take advantage of this. Most college students are stressed and sleep deprived, so spending a relaxing few days at home can help your health big time.

iPhone Chargers

Just trust us - if someone is going to Best Buy, it is worth tagging along. You can never have enough USB cords.

Time with your siblings

I know they can be annoying, but you know they miss you and hopefully you miss them. But especially if you are the first one to go to college, your younger brothers and sisters are going to be thrilled to see you. And really try to give them a chance, you aren’t a kid anymore, try to let petty things go. You don’t get to see them everyday anymore, so really try to make the time that you are together count. You and they will appreciate it even more than I’m sure you’ll let on.

All the other things you miss

Seriously, take this break to really enjoy your family and friends that you visit back home. Use this time to catch your breath, recharge, and refresh. Freshman year (or any year in college) can be tough, but think of it this way - you are only a few weeks and a few finals away from the (hopefully) much longer winter break.

Headed home for the holidays? Before you do, make sure to sign up and fill out a profile - you’ll automatically be entered to win our $1,000 scholarship! If you’re still filling out your college applications, stop by and search our database to find application materials from students accepted to the schools that you’re interested in. See scores, essays, and advice to understand how they got in, and find inspiration so you can too. 

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Accepted to Northwestern

Optimist, dancer, artist, & biologist. EDed NU.

Accepted to NYU, BC, BU, GWU, Northeastern

I was born and raised in Korea, but I've studied in in U.S. boarding school for 7 years. I love people, building, and cars so I love every cities in the world.

Accepted to Columbia, Brown, UPenn, Rice, UC Berkeley, UCLA, UVA, UC Davis, UCSD, UCSC, USC

Hey! I'm a John Jay Scholar at Columbia, and I'm from Los Angeles. I'm planning to major in Art History and do ballet and theater. Hope I can help!

Accepted to UMich, GA Tech, Case, Michigan Tech

I am a hard-working, motivated student, athlete, and performer who enjoys having fun on the side.

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