A Cornell Student On Her Favorite Classes

May 30, 2014

Getting a sneak peek into university classes can give you a good idea what to choose for your own schedule.  Jacqueline is a senior Applied Economics and Management major at Cornell University, and told us about what made her favorite classes so great.

As an Applied Economics and Management major, Jacqueline has taken many of the undergraduate business courses at her school. Some of her favorite have been “Digital Business Strategy” and “Strategy and Innovation”. These courses by Professor Leiponen examine innovative businesses and what has made them successful.

Cornell's Campus
Cornell’s Campus

Classes for Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors look at some of the most exciting startups from the past decade. By looking at companies like Pandora, Twitter, and Threadless we learned about their revenue models, cost structures and marketing plans. What really made the class so applicable to the real world was that we looked at the successes as well as the failures of the firms. Also, it was great that Harvard Business School case studies were the primary literature for the classes. Analyzing these case studies was good preparation for other courses as well as for potential business school classes.

Interior of Warren Hall
Interior of Warren Hall

Professor Leiponen is an excellent professor. With a background in industry research she really has a strong grasp on the technology field and is able to effectively convey that knowledge to her students. I have recommended her courses to many other students and I would continue to do so for the future Cornellians.

Read more about Jacqueline on her Admitsee Profile!

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