After months of agonizing effort and time spent writing your name on hundreds of different documents, you’ve finally finished your college applications. What’s next, aside from filling out financial aid forms and deciding where you ultimately want to go? It’s your senior year - you should be having fun. Here’s a little quiz to take so you can see just how well you’re doing now that applications are in:
You applied to college (+1 for yes). You know how they say Christmas is the most wonderful time of year? Well college is the most wonderful time of life. Good on you for taking that leap of faith.
You applied to safety schools (+1 for yes). This is huge. You’ve just made the best life decision by ensuring yourself a college experience. That’s great because you will probably make some terrible ones in the next four years.
You’re tying up loose ends on your college apps (+1 for yes). Your teachers and counselors are very busy this time of year, the last thing you want is for them to “forget something” and cost you an acceptance letter! Good job taking ownership of your apps and following up - transcripts, rec letters, test scores, everything.
You’re spending free time doing what you love (+1 for yes). Refining your vocals for this year’s school musical? Or working on that step-back J for when your team is down by 1? Whatever it is - keep at it. Make the most out of your high school days because it won’t be the same when you have - what’s the word - oh yeah, “adult” responsibilities.
You’re always asking your friends 5 minutes before class “anything due today?” (+1 for yes). Let’s be real, you’ve worked hard for 12 years, you’re just giving yourself a nice break.
Your friends are always asking you 5 minutes before class “anything due today?” (-1 for yes). Let’s be real, you’ve worked hard for 12 years, you should give yourself a nice break.
You go to class without a backpack (+1 for yes). I went to class without a backpack once. Never went with one again.
You go to school without a backpack (+1 for yes). Looks like you’ve got a good grasp on things!
You don’t go to school (-5 for yes). Hey, now. Not cool. Go to school, go to class, don’t upset mother. Ever.
You’re more and more excited about school each day (+3 for yes). This is simply a solid, all-around indicator that you enjoying senior year. All worries are behind you and there are only good things to look forward to. Enjoy the last few months you have with your friends - I promise, you’ll miss them.
BONUS: You applied early, got in and created an AdmitSee Profile! (+2 for yes)
11+ All American: Absolutely. Crushing. It. Do you lift?
8+ Starting Five: Not crushing it, but you’re managing the relationship very well.
5+ 2nd String: You’re on the right track. Keep at it.
3+ D-League: Not quite there yet, but there’s still time to make it right.
0+ Call a doctor: I’m kidding. Honestly, who cares about this quiz? Be happy and laugh more. I’m just writing this because my boss is making everyone at the office write an article.