“If I Could Go Back” Part 1

June 18, 2014

Sometimes a do-over would be great!  These college students tell us what advice they would give themselves if they could go back to the summer after their junior year of high school.  If you are in high school now, these pieces of advice can prevent you from making the same mistakes and enable you to make the most out of your high school summers.

Amanda is a rising sophomore at Notre Dame and is originally from Merrick, NY.  She says: 

If I could go back I would have told myself to do more than just get a summer job. I wish I attended a summer program at a college or university in order to see what classes I really enjoyed taking and decide on a certain major. Also, I was really uncertain in if I wanted a large or small school, rural or city, large or small, and staying on a college campus would have allowed me to see what I really liked in a school.

Read more about Amanda on her AdmitSee Profile!

Michelle is a fourth year student at the University of California, Irvine. She is from Rosemead, CA. She says:

If I could go back in time to the summer after my junior year, I would tell myself to start looking for summer jobs to add more experience to my resume. Every job gives you some sort of skill, no matter how menial the task, so take whatever job appeals to you the most so that you have more skills under your belt before you enter college. Also, start thinking more about your future and where you see yourself after college. Yes, you have the chance to change majors often in college, but it’s such a waste of time and you could do so much more if you had one direct goal in mind. Don’t waste your time!

Read more about Michelle on her AdmitSee Profile!

Samantha is from Pacific Palisades, California and is a rising senior at Tufts University. She says:

If I could have given myself advice after junior year I would have told myself to start thinking about applications. I waited to complete my first application until mid-December. If I had started writing my personal statement or even looked at the Common App during the summer, I would have been much less stressed and avoided many arguments with my mom. It may seem like a hassle and so far away, but having a general idea of the application process in the summer will help you for all of the apps that are just around the corner. I also wish I had spoken with more current college students at the schools I applied to. If you know anyone at the schools you are considering, talk to them! It doesn’t matter how you know them, through a family friend or a fourth cousin, students are the best source of information. Don’t be shy because you can never know enough.

Read more about Samantha on her AdmitSee Profile!


Browse Successful Application Files


Accepted to Yale, Harvard, Princeton, JHU, Duke, Brown, Dartmouth, WashU, USF, Florida, UCF

Hello, my name is Elizabeth! I graduated from a public high school in Florida, and was accepted to all 11 colleges I applied to. I am now a student at Yale University studying bio!

Accepted to UCLA, Cornell, CMU, USC, UCSD, UC Davis

UCLA Class of 2020. Orange County native.

Accepted to WashU, CMU, GA Tech, UGA

Aspiring Communication Design and Computer Science student, food lover extraordinaire

Accepted to Stanford, Columbia, UC Berkeley, UMich, UNC, UCSB, NYU, UCLA, Washington, UCSD, UC Davis

Bay Area local studying econ, cs, and human rights, and trying to figure out the world!

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