My Favorite Classes: MIT

December 16, 2014

Sometimes, your experience at college can really be defined by the courses you take. Massachusetts Institute of Technology is an amazing school with a wide variety of courses. In addition to the course offerings, MIT students can also cross register at Harvard. Some students even study abroad in Oxford, England! Every class at MIT is intense and challenging academically. Amcquillen, a junior at MIT shares her favorite classes as a Materials Science major. 

For context, MIT refers to majors and courses by their numbers.

1. CC.110 Becoming Human: Concourse is a freshman advising group that also offers a weekly seminar with lunch. Each week, different guest speakers come to deliver lectures. The discussion and conversations I experienced were really valuable. This class gave me a new way to learn and engage with faculty. My favorite classes tend to be based on the experience I had, relating to students and professors.

2. 3.982 Ancient Andean World: This course is taught by Professor Lechtman who is really a pioneer in the archaeology Andean metallurgy. She’s also a very engaging professor! She often talks about how she was influenced by her professor and how we, as students, should be concerned for our future. I’m avidly interested in archaeology and loved learning about the way different cultures has influenced archaeologists’ approach to engineering and design challenges. It’s also amazing to think that we can recover knowledge from the ancient Andes, such as sustainable farming techniques or tight fitting stone work.

3. 21A.852 Seminar in Anthropological Theory: A core class, this seminar introduced me to so many different ways of thinking about the world around me. I was amazed by the breadth of human culture; we share so many qualities as humans but also find divergent cultures. The coursework constantly challenged my belief, my perception and my approach to problems. It was intriguing how it could inspire me to change my way of thinking! This was also a small and discussion based seminar that allowed everyone in class to share their different perspectives and experiences on campus, making this an all-time favorite of mine!


These are my favorite classes, because they have challenged me as a person, changed my perception and encouraged me to grow. I hope that you find your own favorites!

Comment and let us know what your favorite college classes has been so far!

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