Check out this piece about the power of near-peer mentors in the Higher Ed application process, by our very own Zvia Schoenberg!
Applying to both college and graduate school is such a mysterious process that most don’t even know where to start. So, if you want someone to talk to, how do you find a current student or an alumni of the school of your choice?

The Answer? The AdmitSee Mentorship Platform. Students with similar interests who are just a year or two ahead of you may turn out to be your most effective mentors. On AdmitSee you can search our massive database of college and grad school applications, find students just like yourself, and have them serve as mentors.
“While your parents or the “experts” can also give you great guidance, they can’t always tell you about the current culture of a school they graduated from 30 years ago.”
Want to read more about the power of a near-peer mentorship platform? Read the full article here!