Quiz: How Well Do You Know These College Songs?

January 15, 2016

Over the years, plenty of bands and artists have written songs about college. So how music-savvy are you? Test yourself with our music quiz to find out.


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Accepted to Columbia, GA Tech, Northwestern, Princeton, UGA

As a part of Princeton Class of 2019, I know how difficult the application process is...I got denied, accepted, and wait-listed to several places. Let me help you find your path to success!

Accepted to MIT, CalTech, UNC, Duke, Stanford, Harvard, UPenn

A hardworking student whose applications demonstrated my interest in STEM.

Accepted to Brown, UPenn, Cornell, BU, UMass

Hey! I'm a neuroscience major on the premed track, PLME student, and I love to dance in my free time!

Accepted to WashU, CMU, GA Tech, UGA

Aspiring Communication Design and Computer Science student, food lover extraordinaire

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