Top 10 Craziest Mascots

August 14, 2014

10. Washburn University ICHABODS (Topeka, Kansas)

Wondering what the heck an “Ichabod” is? I sure did! Turns out, the mascot is named for Ichabod Washburn, a big donor to Washburn University. 

9. Concordia College COBBERS (Moorhead, Minnesota)

At Concordia College their mascot is corn on the cob. It seems a little corny, don’t you think?

8.  The Standford Cardinals… or TREES? (Stanford, California)

At Stanford they say that their mascot is a cardinal. However, the mascot actually dresses up as a tree. Interesting.


7. University of California, Santa Cruz SAMMY THE SLUG (Santa Cruz, California)

Do slugs gross you out? Imagine having a 6 foot banana slug as your school mascot!

6. Delta State University FIGHTING OKRA (Cleveland, Mississippi)

Although the Statesman and the Lady Stateman are the official mascots of DSU, the Fighting Okra also gets fans pumped up! I never knew fruit could fight! Yes, okra is a fruit!

5.  Scottsdale Community College Fighting ARTICHOKES (Scottsdale, Arizona)

Artie the Artichoke rallies all of the students up on their home turf. I wonder if his cheers come straight from the heart. It’s a unique vegetable as well as a unique mascot.

4. St. Louis University BILLIKENS (St. Louis, Missouri)

I don’t know about you, but Billikens are a little scary looking. They are some kind of mythical creature. However, they do a great job getting SLU’s crowd excited about sport’s events.

3. Wichita State Shockers (Wichita, Kansas)

The mascot pictured below is called the WuShock. It’s a bundle of wheat with school spirit! Very unique.

2. Evergreen State College GEODUCKS (Olympia, Washington)

Geoducks, pronounced “gooey ducks,” are giant mollusks found in the Northwest. They look like a creepy hybrid between a clam and giant slug.

1. Dartmouth’s KEGGY (Hanover, NH)

Dartmouth used to be the Indians, but the school banned the mascot for the more politically correct “Big Green.” In 2003, students created Keggy as the unofficial mascot. He’s a fixture at sporting events.

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