Top 10 Things to Receive in a Care Package

August 31, 2014

Every college student knows the feeling: getting the email alerting you of receiving a package, carrying it up to your room, and tearing it open to find goodies from home inside.  Paige, a student at Boston College, put together a list of her top 10 things to receive in a care package.

1. Baked Goods

You may have taken home cooked meals for granted while in high school, but you will soon learn that cafeteria food can get really old, really fast. If you’re lucky, you will receive care packages filled with delicious baked goods and other goodies that will not only remind you of home, but might also save you a trip through the cafeteria dessert line.

2. Money or Gift Cards

Being a college student can be very expensive! Although most of your necessities are probably being covered, it is always nice to have a little extra guilt-free spending money. 

3. Pictures of Your Family and Friends (But Mostly of Your Dogs)

Reminders of home are always nice treats to find in care packages. Pictures are perfect because you can hang them up around your dorm as decorations, too. 

4. Laundry Detergent

The only thing worse than doing laundry is doing laundry in a gross college dorm. Trust me when I tell you that the only thing that will make this dreaded task better is having the supplies bought for you. Plus, if one of your parents sends it to you, it will probably be the same brand from home, which will be a pleasant reminder when you’re feeling homesick!

5. Quarters for Laundry

You can’t do laundry if you can’t pay for it. Some colleges have plans where you can pay for laundry from your student account, but just in case that doesn’t apply to you, you’ll love to find a little bag of quarters in your care package. 

6. Cards or Letters

Sometimes you just need something sentimental. A nice card or letter from your loved ones back home will be the perfect thing to help you power through a late night of studying or just smile during a rough day. 

7. Toiletries

Although this can seem kind of run-of-the-mill, fun toiletries are the perfect touch to a care package. You’ll be very grateful when you no long have to run to the convenience store to buy shampoo or soap. Bonus points if the package includes new makeup, expensive razors, perfume, or any other little things that you might not take the time or the money to buy for yourself. 

8. Your Favorite Candy

Whether it’s peppermints around Christmas, chocolates around Halloween, or your favorite treat on your birthday, candy is always the perfect sweet treat to find in a care package. Candy is also perfect for sharing with new friends on your hall or study buddies in the library. 

9. Coffee

If your dorm allows you to have a coffee machine, coffee will be the perfect pick-me-up in a care package. The tasty flavors will be much better than the usual type offered in dining halls, and it can save you a trip in the morning as you’re running to your first class.

10. Office Supplies

Paper, pens, pencils, highlighters - it’s crazy how fast you fly through these while in college. Office supplies are a practical and necessary element to every care package!

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