Ways to Make Extra Money Online In College

August 15, 2016

Welcome back on campus! The majority of you have already been through this before, so you already know how much of a struggle it is to survive on a college budget.

If you’re incoming freshmen, don’t be too worried - there are certainly ways around it. You can save money by using second-hand textbooks, or even renting the textbook from the library. And, you can make money through university work-study options, work at a coffee shop on campus, or even better, do it from the comfort of your dorm room online.

With the tech and startup world booming, there are so many new opportunities out there for college students to take advantage of. Here are 3 ways to make extra money online in college without having to have sacrifice your focus on your education.

1. Fiverr

Are you good at design? Can you speak more than 2 languages? Whatever your skill set is, you can offer your services on Fiverr. There are many contractors and freelance workers out there who are working for startups that need a quick turnaround time at minimal cost, and this is where they go. You can be one of them too!

2. Kickfurther

Interested in a product or specific product brand? You can make earn extra money by partnering with them and helping them grow their businesses. Kickfurther is a community of individuals supporting experienced brands to make money in the retail world. Individuals earn as the product they support sell.

3. Scripted

Does magic happen every time you touch the keyboard? Are you a detail oriented researcher? If so, you can earn money by being a writer on Scripted. It is an on-demand platform that pays freelance writers for already written articles, or customized articles that are needed.

If you don’t already know, you can also earn money as a college student on AdmitSee! Share your application journey with your successful application material and cash out $10 upfront!

There are so many new opportunities out there, including being a Lyft or Uber driver, doing deliveries for Postmates, and so on. Just remember, while college expensive, there are many ways you can get around it while staying within your college budget.

About The Author

AdmitSee Staff
AdmitSee Staff

​We remember our frustration with applying to college and the lack of information surrounding it. So we created AdmitSee to bring much-needed transparency to the application process! Read more about the team here.

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Proud to be a Trojan!

Accepted to UChicago, UVA, Purdue, GA Tech

If you're looking for that ray of hope that someone unspectactular might get lucky, you came to the right place.

Accepted to NYU, BU, Ohio State

Chicago-->Cincinnati-->New York City. Dancer. Rower. Volunteer. Future Teacher.

Accepted to UC Davis, UCLA, UCSD, USC, Emory, UMich, UNC, Pepperdine

Although very hardworking, I love to socialize with friends and make time to just relax. Also, I've always been interested in cars and working in the business aspect of the automotive industry.

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