People say college is the best 4 years of your life. Many think that it’s because of the lack of responsibilities and the parties, but it’s much more than that. Find out more from students at Boston University, Claremont McKenna College, Georgetown University, Johns Hopkins University and more:

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LadyDay: More than just the social aspects and the wider range of classes, I enjoy my freedom the most. No longer do I have to adhere to my parents’ rules of curfew and bedtime. I can now use my laptop until all hours of the night without any argument or criticism.

Perhaps more profound than that, my newfound freedom allows me to forge my own educational path. College offers hundreds of new courses and the ability to chose pretty much whatever you prefer (with the obvious exception to required classes, there’s no getting around those). I can create my own schedule, prioritize in a way that suits my interests best, and really begin to pursue my goals.

Jhensel: I love the freedom of college that has let me learn more about myself than I ever thought! I’m able to find time to exercise (my favorite hobby) everyday, while also keep up with school since academics mean a lot to me. In high school being involved was harder because I had many family things going on. I still call home once a week. But, living on my own has allowed me to do more things for me, which has shown me that I’m a person who loves helping people, keeping up with school, and daily exercise. I knew I enjoyed working with people in high school, and I have always cared about grades and exercise, but it wasn’t until college when I had more time to do these things that I realized this is who I am.