I have lived in the United States for twelve out of my eighteen years on this earth. I was born and raised in the center of Mexico until I was seven, where I didn't really have much opportunity to become someone in life. The day after my seventh birthday, my parents decided we would embark on a journey to the land of opportunity. Once we were here, I automatically felt out of place due to the language barrier I had,...
General Admissions Advice
Recommended summer activities during high school and college
51 Words
I would strongly recommend that high school students begin to develop a sense of independence...
High School Performance
Weighted GPA
Top 5%
High School TypePublic College Classes In High School Academic Performance in High School
Steady Explanation of Low Grades
Test Scores
Highest ACT
ACT Score Details
ACT Prep
Highest SAT
on 1600 scale
Highest SAT
SAT Score Details
Original SAT Score1780
SAT Prep
AP / IB Classes and Scores
Details6 classes and scores
Experience & Awards
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I went to a public Texas high school where I mainly did policy debate along with some Latin and NHS. I'm attending Harvard University, and I'm looking to pursue a career in the civil service.