Shark Kaitlynn,
B.A., Political Science and Government
Hey everyone! In addition to being a political science major, I am a criminal justice minor. I'm very involved on campus so I can help you out in a lot of ways. I do a little of everything: community service, read, play sports, and most importantly, study.
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George Washington Carver once said, “Education is the key to unlock the golden door to freedom.” If you have freedom, then you have the privilege of being successful. I have known what I want to do in life ever since I was about twelve years old. Now, I have built a plan in order to make my dream come true. Not only will I use my education for my personal satisfaction, but I will use it to help society. You...
Supplemental Essay Unique question posed by school
308 Words
If a house must be built on solid foundation for it to last, then the foundation repair is essential to make it last even longer. One of the biggest enemies of a house is moisture, which damages the foundation of the house. Foundation damage can lead to a variety of issues around the house. Just as there are signs of foundation damage, there are also preventions to it. Of course, the owner of the house must have knowledge of the...
Supplemental Essay Unique question posed by school
442 Words
Suze Orman once said, “Owning a home is a keystone of wealth — both financial affluence and emotional security.” Therefore, choosing the right home is essential in one’s life. All my life my parents have taught me how to be independent so I would be ready for the adult life. I would say that I know more than the average 18 year old. I have learned important things, such as the steps to buy a house. It is not just about...
Supplemental Essay Unique question posed by school
539 Words
Not only can sweat be defined as good, acceptable, and attractive, but it can also be defined as bad unacceptable, and unattractive; it depends on the circumstance. Colin Powell once said, “A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.” When we use sweat as one the steps to achieve our goals, we can then say that sweat is an essential thing in our life. Of course, there are occasions when sweat is unnecessary...

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