B.S., Real Estate
Hello! I'm an NYU student majoring in real estate. I also love playing guitar and running. One goal of mine is to start a business someday.
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Results, Essays, and Advice

More Essays
These essays haven't been tagged by school. Click school logos above to see tagged essays.
Personal Statement
660 Words
Story central to identity,
Leadership experience,
Issue of personal significance,
Summer experience,
Anxiety before a competition,
Transition to adulthood,
Creative personal story,
One moment that changed you,
Feeling out of place,
Work experience,
Family background,
Overcoming personal struggle
I squinted for a moment as the bright light caught my eyes. The butterflies in my stomach worsened and my hands trembled. I looked at my other three band members and off we went. Although the drummer was playing at a faster tempo than we had practiced, after a few seconds our rhythms locked together. Before I knew it, the butterflies were gone, my guitar seemed to play itself, and my mind was in another world. Then, though it felt...
Supplemental Essay “Why us” school essay
320 Words
When I think of what I want in a college, some of the most crucial aspects are rigorous academics, a diverse population, and a wide variety of classes. It is difficult to find a school with all these coveted traits. But NYU makes it easy. When I walked down West 4th Street and into Washington Square Park on the campus tour, it was obvious that, although I was still in Manhattan, I was in the heart of the vibrant and...
Supplemental Essay “Why us” school essay
252 Words
“Does anyone here play an instrument?” I excitedly replied, “Me!”, and a student from the BU band started signing me up. This was my second time visiting Boston University, and I was starting to love the school even more. I was spending the weekend with my brother at his BU dorm in the Towers, visiting the school and cheering on my mom, who was running the Boston Marathon. After spending my Saturday at the Hillel, I was really able to...
Supplemental Essay Unique question posed by school
291 Words
Research shows that an ability to learn from experiences outside the classroom correlates with success in college. What was your greatest learning experience over the past 4 years that took place outside of the traditional classroom? 250 words or fewer
As a high school student, it is natural to expect that an internship will consist of the “dirty work”, but that such work is necessary to lay the foundation for future job. This summer, my experience at a real estate start-up, Zenly,...
Supplemental Essay Unique question posed by school
270 Words
There is a ticket in your hand. Where are you going?
In my hand I have a ticket. It’s a shiny golden ticket. You might be thinking that it’s a ticket to Willie Wonka’s chocolate factory. Actually, this is the golden ticket that Michael Scott (played by Steve Carell) used in NBC’s sitcom, The Office. Michael Scott was the Regional Branch Manager at the fictional paper company, Dunder Mifflin. In order to increase the company’s...
Additional Essay Details

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107 Words
The Common App essay is one of the most important part of the application. This is were the reader will be able to see beyond the number they see on your transcript. Some of the most important things to do are to try to be unique, try to be yourself, and try to write in a way that gets the reader hooked. They are reading hundreds of essays, the last thing they want is an essay that's already boring at...

General Admissions Advice
My advice about getting recommenders
68 Words
Make sure to get people that know you well and trust you. The last thing you want is a generic...
Recommended summer activities during high school and college
69 Words
Being a camp counselor is easy, but it probably won't make such a great impression on the application. Try to...
What might make for a good “Why Us” essay topic at my school
81 Words
Research you school a lot. Get to know what they think is important about themselves. If they think diversity is important, mention how much...
Whether I used a private admissions counselor, and advice I received
31 Words
In addition to my school college guidance counselor, I...
Why I declined other schools
60 Words
I picked NYU not because I think that it is the best school on my list, but because...

High School Performance
(no specification of weighting) Rank
Top 25%
College Classes In High School

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Academic Performance in High School Low at first but improved
Explanation of Low Grades

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Test Scores
Highest SAT

on 1600 scale
Approximate conversion of 2400 score to 1600.
Conversion scale details found here.
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Highest SAT
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Other SAT Scores
SAT Prep
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PSAT Scores

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AP / IB Classes and Scores


Elaborate on Extracurriculars or Work

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Chess, Tutoring/Mentoring, Local Orchestra / Symphony / Band
Elaborate on Extracurriculars or Work

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Experience & Awards
How Spent Summers
Volunteer Experiences
Awards Received
Application Additional Materials

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Volunteer Experiences

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Awards Received

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Application Additional Materials

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