Discuss an accomplishment or event, formal or informal, that marked your transition from childhood to adulthood within your culture, community, or family.
As a child, my illusion of reality was betrayed by the truth. To grow out of my naïveté, I accepted this as fact, and used it as a driving force behind my actions. This is the concept that guided my transition into “adulthood”. In my youth, I held an overly optimistic view that the world was pure...
General Admissions Advice
Whether I took out loans or applied for scholarships, and my advice
8 Words
Use search...
List of schools I interviewed with and my interview experience
14 Words
Be yourself. Be professional...
High School Performance
Academic Performance in High School
Steady Explanation of Low Grades
Test Scores
Highest SAT
on 1600 scale
Highest SAT
SAT Score Details
Original SAT Score2360
Other SAT Scores
SAT Prep
AP / IB Classes and Scores
Details7 classes and scores
ActivitiesUnited Service Organizations (USO) / Veterans Affairs (VA)
Accepted to Harvard, Duke, Rice, CMU, Rochester, Stony Brook
Harvard student, economics concentrator, feminist, and panda lover. If you have any questions for me, or would like help with your application/essays, feel free shoot me a message.
I graduated from an arts magnet school and am attending Columbia College Chicago in the fall. I am passionate and experienced in theatre and creative writing, having achieved several national rankings. I'm compassionate and love social change.