Prompt: Discuss an accomplishment or event, formal or informal, that marked your transition from childhood to adulthood within your culture, community, or family.
I soon learned that the curfew at 11 was a running joke among the mentors and admins. I was constantly tired and could be seen digging my nails into my skin to keep myself awake during lectures. We had what NASA called “working lunches” - most of the work came from trying to stuff down your third slice...
Supplemental Essay “Why us” school essay
35 Words
Describe two or three of your current intellectual interests and why they are exciting to you. Why will Cornell’s College of Arts and Sciences be the right environment in which to pursue your interests?
Supplemental Essay Other
456 Words
I leaned over my friend’s shoulder to study the small graph of the DreamWorks stock that came up on Google.
“We should buy it”, I said with a vigorous nod of my head. This was just one example of the many bad decisions I would make throughout The Stock Market Game.
We played this game in our Economics and Personal Finance class, and I was definitely that one person who took it too seriously. I would read articles on...
General Admissions Advice
How I chose schools to apply to
51 Words
I looked for ones with a highly ranked CS program (my major) and ones that...
How to increase chances at my school
37 Words
When I visited Cornell's Arts and Sciences Information Session during my...
How to increase chances at my school
21 Words
Make sure the description of activities...
What might make for a good “Why Us” essay topic at my school
52 Words
Just write about what you like in your essay. It can be a super overused topic...
What might make for a good “Why Us” essay topic at my school
6 Words
Read Harry...
My favorite course thus far, and why
47 Words
CS 1110: Introduction to CS with Python taught by Walker White: I've learned a lot...
What I now know about my school that I never would have known prior to enrolling
57 Words
Drinking and partying may have been totally unheard of in your friend circle but it is super...
Why I ultimately chose my school
6 Words
Good CS...
Whether I took out loans or applied for scholarships, and my advice
75 Words
Taking some loans is part of my financial aid package at Cornell. However, I'd recommend looking into state schools or private schools where...
High School Performance
Weighted GPA
Top 1%
High School TypePublic College Classes In High School Academic Performance in High School
Steady Explanation of Low Grades
Test Scores
Highest SAT
on 1600 scale
Highest SAT
SAT Score Details
Original SAT Score2180
Other SAT Scores
SAT Prep PSAT Scores
AP / IB Classes and Scores
Details6 classes and scores
ActivitiesFuture Business Leaders of America (FBLA), Green Club, Key Club, Nonprofit, NGO or Charitable Organization, School Newspaper/Magazine/Journalism, Science Club/Team, Tutoring/Mentoring, Math Team Elaborate on Extracurriculars or Work
Experience & Awards
How Spent Summers Volunteer Experiences Awards Received
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I'm aiming to become a pediatrician! Attending Cornell University (Human Ecology) starting in the Fall of 2015. Major: Human Biology, Health and Society (HBHS)
I went to boarding prep school in Concord, MA (Middlesex) and played three sports, for none of which was I recruited. I also sang and did lots of community service (I was a community service officer my senior year). I was a Peer Tutor.