B.S., Computer Science
I'm a CS nerd who likes doing art as a hobby.
Features Included


Hometown Roslyn Heights, New York
Class of2023
First Gen College StudentNo

Results, Essays, and Advice

Waitlisted or Withdrew
  • Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA)
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA)
  • Stanford University (Stanford, CA)
  • University of California - Berkeley (Berkeley, CA)
  • Princeton University (Princeton, NJ)
  • Cornell University (Ithaca, NY)
  • Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, GA)
  • University of Michigan - Ann Arbor (Ann Arbor, MI)
  • University of California - Los Angeles (Los Angeles, CA)
  • Harvard University (Cambridge, MA)
  • Rice University (Houston, TX)
  • Yale University (New Haven, CT)
  • University of California - San Diego (La Jolla, CA)
  • University of Southern California (Los Angeles, CA)
  • Brown University (Providence, RI)
  • Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN)
  • Stony Brook University - SUNY (Stony Brook, NY)
Tap/click a school logo above to view essays and advice specific to that school.

Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA)

Applied for a B.S. in Computer Science

Accepted and Enrolled Legacy: No

School Specific Essays

Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.
A window into the soul. For most people, this would be the eyes. The eyes cannot lie; they often tell more about a person’s emotions than their words. What distinguishes a fake smile from a genuine one? The eyes. What shows sadness? The eyes. What gives away a liar? The eyes. But are the eyes the only window into the soul? Recently, I began painting with watercolors. With watercolors, there is no turning back: if one section is too...
Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes or contributed to group efforts over time.
I shakily rose my hand. “We should create workshops of our own,” I suggested. I got a few strange looks. “It’s a good idea, but it’s too much work.” “We just don’t have enough free time to make it work.” “Maybe we could, but I don’t know how to make workshops.” My suggestion was shot down. I shuffled in my seat. “I could make them.” A few people stared at me in disbelief. I glanced over...
Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express your creative side.
How do you encapsulate a person’s likeness? Is it a science of lines, forms, and proportions? Or is it something beyond the scope of science: is it just a feeling? I take my pencil to the page, creating lines with great precision. As I make additional strokes to the page, I continuously glance over to the photo sitting next to me. Stroke, erase. Stroke, stroke, stroke, erase. Erase more. The process repeats until I am satisfied with the overall...
Think about an academic subject that inspires you. Describe how you have furthered this interest inside and/or outside of the classroom.
I stared in awe at the website before me: flashing lights, moving images, audio playing in the background, and a custom cursor. How could I recreate this? I went to Google, hoping for an answer. The first results that popped up were,, and; however, none of them had a template for the type of website I desired. I would have to use code. What is code? How do you use code? How could I...
Personal Statement
374 Words
Summer experience, Volunteer/public interest work
What have you done to make your school or your community a better place?
I silently watched the kid as he got out of his chair and danced in front of the class. “Oh no,” another counselor cried out. The face of the teacher turned red with anger. “Sarah, take him for a walk. Now.” I immediately obliged. When we got to the hallway, I asked the kid, “Why did you do that?” “I was bored,” he replied. “You couldn’t wait until gym?” “Nope.” This repeated many times: the kid would get out...
Supplemental Essay: Extracurricular activity
157 Words
Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences. (150 word limit)
I typed up some code I learned mere minutes ago. I scratched my chin. “This won’t work.” This was the process nearly every weekend. I would research ideas for workshops, create a project, draft a guide, and lead workshops during Code Club meetings. Why? Seeing the projects each student creates brings me joy: websites, games, interactive stories. Every Wednesday, I try to teach the students in a simple manner, being careful to guide them without them copying me like...
Supplemental Essay: Intellectual interest
251 Words
Why are you drawn to the area(s) of study you indicated earlier in this application? (You may share with us a skill or concept that you found challenging and rewarding to learn, or any experiences beyond course work that may have broadened your interest.) (250 word limit)
Beauty and function—these are the words that describe computer science. When I took my first computer science class in 9th grade, I was captivated. I learned how to write a method, an if-statement, and a while loop. However, I truly became interested in the class when we started creating projects. Unlike the 2D art I loved dearly, these were mini-puzzles which, upon solving, served a task. However, I soon realized that computer science and art weren’t mutually exclusive;...
Supplemental Essay: “Why us” school essay
266 Words
What do you hope to experience at Brown through the Open Curriculum, and what do you hope to contribute to the Brown community? (250 word limit)
One of the greater allures of Brown’s curriculum is the freedom it provides. In addition to the fact that there’s more room for you to take courses you enjoy, there’s no pressure to fit inside a box--no one would consider it strange if an engineering student was in their creative writing class. This also means that I can meet people from a variety of departments--not just students studying computer science or engineering. Since the Open Curriculum encourages...
Supplemental Essay: Amusing anecdote
258 Words
Tell us about the place, or places, you call home. These can be physical places where you have lived, or a community or group that is important to you. (250 word limit)
“Mummy,” I whined. “Why do I have to sit in the dining room?” “So we can see what you’re doing,” my mom replied. “...invasion of privacy…” I grumbled. No seven year-old would be happy. Eventually, I got used to sitting in the dining room. I became a master at the art of listening to footsteps around the house and switching tabs from games to educational videos when I heard my parents approaching. But now, I hear more than footsteps....
Supplemental Essay: Unique question posed by school
305 Words
“When we‘re connected to others, we become better people,” said Carnegie Mellon University‘s Randy Pausch, author of The Last Lecture. At Carnegie Mellon you‘ll have the opportunity to collaborate with a diverse community of scholars, artists and innovators. Given the students, faculty, staff and resources that have been available to you as a student, how have you collaborated with others, in or out of the classroom? Or, what lessons have you learned from working with others in the past, that might shape your experience in the future?
(300 word maximum)
The day finally arrived. We prepared for this for months. More than anyone, I knew that everyone had worked hard at their respective jobs. Since I created the website, I worked closely with other organizers; I worked closely with organizers acquiring sponsorships, organizers securing press coverage for the event, organizers scheduling what would take place at the hackathon, and organizers ordering food. I arrived early at the coding school to set up tables and chairs at the venue. Other organizers...
Supplemental Essay: Intellectual interest
314 Words
Most students choose their intended major or area of study based on a passion or inspiration that’s developed over time – what passion or inspiration led you to choose this area of study?
(300 word maximum)
I stared in awe at the website before me: flashing lights, moving images, audio playing in the background, and a custom cursor. How could I recreate this? I went to Google, hoping for an answer. I would have to use code, Google said. What was code? How could I get started? I had an idea: the Intro to Java course at my high school. You can imagine my disappointment once I realized we weren’t creating websites. However, I continued...
Supplemental Essay: Unique question posed by school
316 Words
Consider your application as a whole. What do you personally want to emphasize about your application for the admission committee’s consideration? Highlight something that’s important to you or something you haven’t had a chance to share. Tell us, don’t show us (no websites please).
(300 word maximum)
I love art. Drawing, painting, scratching, carving, folding… there are many types to love. Every week, I try to sit down and create a small art piece: whether it’s a portrait, origami, watercolors, or an art form I’ve never heard of. Not only does art please the eyes, but it also can spread a message or bring attention to issues worldwide. For this reason, I’m constantly trying to mesh my passion for art with my passion for...
Supplemental Essay: Unique question posed by school
303 Words
Waitlist Prompt: Beyond just the recent news surrounding college admissions making national headlines, the call for change in the college admission process is growing louder. Since you’ve just gone through your own college search, we want to hear your thoughts. What do you think colleges can do to make this process better for all applicants? (Please limit your response to 300 words.)
In an ideal world, the admissions process would be completely meritocratic. There would be no names on applications. No legacy. No bribes. Instead, emphasis would be placed on short responses, extracurriculars, standardized test scores, and GPA. Unfortunately, this simply isn’t feasible in today’s world; this is evident from the recent news surrounding college coaches who received bribes. However, we can create additional barriers to deter bribery. In order to prevent corruption in the athletic department specifically, colleges should...
Supplemental Essay: Unique question posed by school
662 Words
Cornell Engineering celebrates innovative problem solving that helps people, communities…the world. Consider your ideas and aspirations and describe how a Cornell Engineering education would allow you to leverage technological problem-solving to improve the world we live in. (Please limit your response to 650 words.)
I stared in awe at the website before me: flashing lights, moving images, audio playing in the background, and a custom cursor. How could I possibly recreate this? I went to Google, hoping for an answer. The first results that popped up were,, and; however, none of them had a template for the type of website I desired. I would have to use code. What is code? How do you use code? How could...
Supplemental Essay: “Why us” school essay
264 Words
Why do you want to study your chosen major at Georgia Tech, and how do you think Georgia Tech will prepare you to pursue opportunities in that field after graduation? (250)
I armed myself with post-it notes and a pen, and I readied myself to spy on others during the hackathon. My eyes flickered over to ten men typing furiously and chugging RedBull. After asking them questions about their project, I was shocked: less than half were actually coding. One was creating models, another was creating 2D art, and another was storyboarding. I became increasingly interested in the combining of different fields, especially since I have a passion for art as...
Supplemental Essay: Unique question posed by school
276 Words
What is your role in your immediate or extended family? And how have you seen evidence of your impact on them? (250)
I rang the doorbell and stuck my face to the small window on the door, making sure to stick out my tongue. I saw my brother slowly walk up to the door, sigh, and walk back in the direction he came from. “Excuse me?” I playfully yelled. I grabbed my keys and opened the door myself. “What was that about?” “You’re weird,” my brother replied. “Yes, I’m weird. Everyone’s weird.” I replied. He shrugged and went on...
Supplemental Essay: Other
470 Words
Living Learning Community Prompt: Tell us why you want to join an LLC, in particular, why you believe you will both benefit from and contribute to the LLC experience. Explain why you are applying to each particular LLC and include descriptions of your current or past interests or activities that indicate your capacity to contribute to these communities.
Be specific in your response about how you plan to contribute to the academic and social aspects of each LLC.
As someone who loves staying inside, it’s incredibly easy to get stuck in a bubble. You feel comfortable where you are. When my friend offered me a chance to organize a hackathon, it was no surprise that I chose the only portion that seemingly avoided working with other people and leaving the house: creating the website for the hackathon. I just had to write some HTML and CSS. However, I soon realized that this wasn’t an independent task....
Supplemental Essay: Other
496 Words
Honors Program Prompt: The Georgia Tech Honors Program (HP) welcomes curious, creative, highly motivated students from all majors and backgrounds. Typical HP classes involve significant engagement among students and faculty members; everyone contributes to and benefits from the learning experience. Our small, active-learning HP classes are often interdisciplinary and often combine theoretical and hands-on learning. Drawing on your interests and experiences, tell us how you might expect to contribute to and benefit from these two new HP classes.
A graphic designer? This must be a mistake, I told myself. Why wasn’t I paired with an engineer or software developer instead? When originally signing up for Built By Girls, a program which pairs up girls with professionals in the tech industry, I expected to be matched with plenty of developers. However, time after time, I was matched with people from various fields: graphic design, public relations, marketing, and sound design. While initially confused, I soon came to appreciate...
Supplemental Essay: Extracurricular activity
158 Words
Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences. (150 words)
I typed up some code I learned mere minutes ago. I scratched my chin. “This won’t work.” This was the process nearly every weekend. I would research ideas for workshops, create a project, draft a guide, and lead workshops during Code Club meetings. Why? Seeing the projects each student creates brings me joy: websites, games, interactive stories. Every Wednesday, I try to teach the students in a simple manner, being careful to guide them without them copying me like...
Supplemental Essay: Intellectual interest
160 Words
Your intellectual life may extend beyond the academic requirements of your particular school. Please use the space below to list additional intellectual activities that you have not mentioned or detailed elsewhere in your application. These could include, but are not limited to, supervised or self-directed projects not done as school work, training experiences, online courses not run by your school, or summer academic or research programs not described elsewhere. (150 words)
Online courses: I took online courses on HTML, CSS, and Javascript from Codecademy. In addition, I learned Bootstrap through lessons on W3Schools. Other than website building, I learned how to use Construct 2, Twine, and Unity from tutorials on their respective websites. Self-directed projects: I’ve created many smaller projects over the course of attending hackathons and creating workshops for Code Club. I used Construct 2 to create a generic Doodle Jump knockoff, Twine to create a text-based game about the...
Supplemental Essay: Other
524 Words
You may wish to include an additional essay if you feel that the college application forms do not provide sufficient opportunity to convey important information about yourself or your accomplishments. You may write on a topic of your choice.
“Sarah, can you grab a chili from the fridge?” No response. “Hello, Sarah?” No response. Frustrated, my mom came over to me and ripped off my headphones. “Huh? Did you say something?” I asked. “You can’t hear anything with your headphones on--it’s like you’re in your own little bubble,” my mom said, annoyed. As someone who loves staying inside and playing games on my laptop, it’s incredibly easy to get stuck in a bubble. You feel...
Supplemental Essay: Diversity statement
107 Words
Please tell us more about your cultural background and identity in the space below (100 word limit).
As immigrants, my parents wanted the best quality of life for me: which meant assimilating to American culture. Though they spoke Hindi and Gujarati, they focused on teaching me English. They didn’t want me to have an Indian accent. They never made me watch Hindi movies. But now, I wish to reconnect with Indian culture. I want to watch Hindi movies and listen to Indian music. Additionally, I want to talk to my relatives in Hindi and Gujarati. Currently,...
Supplemental Essay: Intellectual interest
89 Words
We know you lead a busy life, full of activities, many of which are required of you. Tell us about something you do simply for the pleasure of it.
Apart from computer science, I have a passion for art. However, there’s one art form that I prefer above the rest: watercolors. Though watercolors are an unforgiving art medium where you cannot turn back after a brushstroke, I always find myself having fun when I’m experimenting with colors on the page. Sometimes, the lack of control which watercolor offers is exactly what I need in order to destress; the unpredictable mingling of colors is a beauty that can...
Supplemental Essay: Intellectual interest
107 Words
Although you may not yet know what you want to major in, which department or program at MIT appeals to you and why?
Beauty and function--these are the words that describe computer science. When I took my first computer science class in 9th grade, I was hooked. The projects we had in class were mini-puzzles which, upon solving, served a task. Unlike the 2D art I loved dearly, these results were changing and interactive. As I took more classes, I realized that computer science and art weren’t mutually exclusive; with computer science, not only could I create something beautiful, but something that...
Supplemental Essay: Unique question posed by school
255 Words
At MIT, we bring people together to better the lives of others. MIT students work to improve their communities in different ways, from tackling the world’s biggest challenges to being a good friend. Describe one way in which you have contributed to your community, whether in your family, the classroom, your neighborhood, etc.
I gently placed my fingers on the keyboard and started typing some code that I learned mere minutes ago. I scratched my chin. “This might be a little to hard to teach. I don’t think I can use this idea for the workshop either,” I thought to myself, sighing. I had already spent three hours trying to come up with an idea for the next workshop. Not only did it have to be interesting to the students, but easy...
Supplemental Essay: Unique question posed by school
273 Words
Describe the world you come from; for example, your family, clubs, school, community, city, or town. How has that world shaped your dreams and aspirations?
A window into the mind. My mother sighed. “Sometimes, you can’t help but sympathize for them. They never chose to live this way.” Everyday, she tells me about her day at work as a social worker/psychotherapist. Bipolar disorder. Depression. Social anxiety. Everyday, I learn more about the mental illnesses which affect people around us. Slowly, I began noticing them around me. Students with anxiety. Students with depression. Students with anger issues. I understood a little: the feelings of...
Supplemental Essay: Unique question posed by school
282 Words
Tell us about the most significant challenge you’ve faced or something important that didn’t go according to plan. How did you manage the situation?
I walked into the room, palms sweaty. “Who’s my partner?” I asked. “Sam.” I went silent for a minute. “The one that hasn’t taken a coding class?” “That’s the one.” I sighed. A coding competition with a partner that couldn’t code? It was fine, I could win this by myself. Two hours to solve problems. This shouldn’t be too hard, right? I started typing. “Hey, can we use a loop here?” Sam asked, pointing at...
Supplemental Essay: Extracurricular activity
157 Words
Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences that was particularly meaningful to you. (About 150 words)
I typed up some code I learned mere minutes ago. I scratched my chin. “This won’t work.” This was the process nearly every weekend. I would research ideas for workshops, create a project, draft a guide, and lead workshops during Code Club meetings. Why? Seeing the projects each student creates brings me joy: websites, games, interactive stories. Every Wednesday, I try to teach the students in a simple manner, being careful to guide them without them copying me like...
Supplemental Essay: “Why us” school essay
538 Words
If you are interested in pursuing a B.S.E. (Bachelor of Science in Engineering) degree, please write a 300-500 word essay describing why you are interested in studying engineering, any experiences in or exposure to engineering you have had, and how you think the programs in engineering offered at Princeton suit your particular interests.
My face deflated as I saw the balloon rip off the vehicle and soar across the room. The vehicle didn’t budge; our work had completely failed. This was only the start of my engineering failures. A robot that started convulsing while navigating a maze. A slingshot that couldn’t throw cotton balls. A conveyor belt that decided to move on its own. However, I didn’t react as before. I found myself laughing and joking with others, more spirited...
Supplemental Essay: Unique question posed by school
623 Words
Using a favorite quotation from an essay or book you have read in the last three years as a starting point, tell us about an event or experience that helped you define one of your values or changed how you approach the world. Please write the quotation, title and author at the beginning of your essay. (250-650 words).
“Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.” ― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh Time came to a halt as the counter began to twitch, coming to life. The aroma of mangoes filled the air. It was too much to handle. I craned my neck to see the countertop towering above me. I placed my hands on top of the counter, and pushed myself over the edge of the black, granite countertop until my legs dangled in...
Supplemental Essay: Unique question posed by school
186 Words
Please tell us how you have spent the last two summers (or vacations between school years), including any jobs you have held. (About 150 words)
Two summers ago, I mostly focused on the development of my artwork, as I had little time to work on my art during the school year. I experimented with charcoal, graphite, polymer clay, watercolor, and acrylics. I also created workshops to teach at Code Club for the upcoming school year. Last summer, I took part in Kode with Klossy, a two-week camp scholarship where girls can learn code for free. Here, I learned HTML, CSS, and Ruby. The experience of...
Supplemental Essay: Intellectual interest
154 Words
There is a breadth of intellectual opportunities here at Rice. Further explain your intended major and other areas of academic focus you may explore. (150 word limit)
Beauty and function--these are the words I would use to describe computer science. When I took my first computer science class in 9th grade, I was immediately hooked. The projects in class were mini puzzles which, upon solving, served a task. Unlike the 2D art I loved dearly, the results were changing and interactive even after the project’s creation. However, as I took more classes, I realized that computer science and art aren’t mutually exclusive. Programmed websites, games,...
Supplemental Essay: “Why us” school essay
144 Words
What aspects of the Rice undergraduate experience excite you and led you to apply? (150 word limit)
I was first attracted to Rice for its academics--the university has classes on all of the topics within computer science that I’m interested in exploring: game creation (COMP 160, 162, 460), web development (COMP 431), mobile design (COMP 446), and software development (COMP 415). In addition, I appreciated how Rice encourages women to pursue computer science through clubs such as CSters, especially since there were very few other females in my engineering and computer science courses during high school. However I wasn’t only attracted...
Supplemental Essay: Diversity statement
526 Words
Rice is lauded for creating a collaborative atmosphere that enhances the quality of life for all members of our campus community. The Residential College System is heavily influenced by the unique life experiences and cultural traditions each student brings. What personal perspectives would you contribute to life at Rice? (500 word limit)
“Sarah, can you grab a chili from the fridge?” No response. “Hello, Sarah?” No response. Frustrated, my mom came over to me and ripped off my headphones. “Huh? Did you say something?” I asked. “You can’t hear anything with your headphones on--it’s like you’re in your own little bubble,” my mom said, annoyed. As someone who loves staying inside and playing games on my laptop, it’s incredibly easy to get stuck in a bubble. You feel...
Supplemental Essay: Unique question posed by school
405 Words
Short-take Questions (50 word limit each)
What is the most significant challenge that society faces today? (50 word limit) Improving and individualizing education. Most of our education is cookie-cutter (as seen by AP courses and standardized testing). Though this makes it easier to educate on a large scale, individualized education is imperative to solving some of the biggest issues in our world such as hunger, poverty, and climate change. How did you spend your last two summers? (50 word limit) Last summer, I participated in Kode with Klossy,...
Supplemental Essay: Extracurricular activity
157 Words
Briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences. (50-150 words)
I typed up some code I learned mere minutes ago. I scratched my chin. “This won’t work.” This was the process nearly every weekend. I would research ideas for workshops, create a project, draft a guide, and lead workshops during Code Club meetings. Why? Seeing the projects each student creates brings me joy: websites, games, interactive stories. Every Wednesday, I try to teach the students in a simple manner, being careful to guide them without them copying me like...
Supplemental Essay: Intellectual interest
274 Words
The Stanford community is deeply curious and driven to learn in and out of the classroom. Reflect on an idea or experience that makes you genuinely excited about learning. (100 to 250 words)
I stared at my laptop. Where could I start? I barely knew how to code. I came to this hackathon on a whim. After some brainstorming, I decided to see what others were up to. My eyes wandered towards the group of college students at the back. After some convincing from my friends, I asked what they were doing. “We’re making a game.” “A game?” I asked. “Yeah, we’ve worked on it for the past two years.” His...
Supplemental Essay: Unique question posed by school
273 Words
Virtually all of Stanford's undergraduates live on campus. Write a note to your future roommate that reveals something about you or that will help your roommate – and us – know you better. (100 to 250 words)
Dear future roommate, I apologize in advance for the hoard of art supplies I’ll bring with me: inks, watercolors, markers, clay, and even my sticker machine. Though, if you’re interested, we could have a painting session together outside! I might also bring a bunch of snacks you’ve never heard of: Parle-G, Hide & Seek, chakli, sweet khari biscuit, and chivda. Maybe you could bring some of your favorite foods too? On the flip side, I’m not someone...
Supplemental Essay: Unique question posed by school
280 Words
Tell us about something that is meaningful to you and why. (100 to 250 words)
I love you. The way you laugh And tell me you hate me Everytime I tell you How much I love you- Five times a day Might be too much But I assure you That to me I mean it truly Every time. I love you. The way you run to the door, Stick out your tongue, And put your face against the window Every time I ring the door. I love you. The way you yell at me To...
Supplemental Essay: Extracurricular activity
264 Words
Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences (250 words).
I gently placed my fingers on the keyboard and started typing some code that I learned mere minutes ago. I scratched my chin. “This might be a little to hard to teach. I don’t think I can use this idea for the workshop,” I thought to myself, sighing. I had already spent three hours trying to come up with an idea for the next workshop: I had to consider both the beginners and the experienced while creating each workshop. ...
Supplemental Essay: Unique question posed by school
515 Words
WISE (Women in Science and Engineering) Prompt: Why is this program a good fit for you?
My face deflated as I saw the balloon rip off the vehicle and soar across the room. The vehicle didn’t budge; our work had completely failed. This was only the start of my engineering failures. A robot that started convulsing while navigating a maze. A slingshot that couldn’t throw cotton balls. A conveyor belt that decided to move on its own. However, I didn’t react as before. I found myself laughing and joking with others, more spirited...
Supplemental Essay: Diversity statement
281 Words
Essay #1 (Required for all applicants.)(300)
Everyone belongs to many different communities and/or groups defined by (among other things) shared geography, religion, ethnicity, income, cuisine, interest, race, ideology, or intellectual heritage. Choose one of the communities to which you belong, and describe that community and your place within it.
Are you Hindi? Can you speak Indian? Can you speak Hindu? Do you pray to Indian Jesus? As ridiculous as it sounds, I have heard all of these questions when people saw my face for the first time. I am blatantly Indian: black hair, tanned skin, thick eyebrows, and thin lips. I cannot hide from my ethnicity. When asked these questions, I politely tell them that no, I am not Hindu nor can I speak Hindi. Yes, my mother cooks...
Supplemental Essay: Unique question posed by school
567 Words
Essay #2 (Required for all applicants.)(550)
Describe the unique qualities that attract you to the specific undergraduate College or School (including preferred admission and dual degree programs) to which you are applying at the University of Michigan. How would that curriculum support your interests?
I stared in awe at the screen before me: flashing lights, moving images, audio playing in the background, and a custom cursor. How could I possibly recreate this? I went to Google, hoping for an answer. The first results that popped up were,, and; however, none of them had a template for the type of website I desired. I would have to use code. How could I get started? The Intro to Java course...
Supplemental Essay: Extracurricular activity
159 Words
If you could only do one of the activities you have listed in the Activities section of your Common Application, which one would you keep doing? Why? (Required for all applicants.) (150)
When I leave high school, I will be most sad about leaving Code Club behind. When I was frightened to join any other club, my friend introduced me to the recently founded Code Club. I was amazed by the things we learned to create and wanted to teach others as well. Once I got a position, I immediately proposed the idea of creating our own workshops: we could teach the students anything we wished. Before each club meeting, I spend...
Supplemental Essay: Intellectual interest
259 Words
Describe something outside of your intended academic focus about which you are interested in learning. (250)
I stared at the beautiful website in front of me: minimalistic icons, a pastel color scheme, and twinkling lights. I immediately set out on a quest to create a website myself. Initially, the answer seemed obvious: I needed to learn how to code. However, once I learned some basic HTML and CSS, I realized that I wasn’t getting the results I desired. I had enough coding knowledge to recreate the beautiful website I saw; why couldn’t I get...
Supplemental Essay: Unique question posed by school
264 Words
Describe how you plan to pursue your academic interests at USC. Please feel free to address your first- and second-choice major selections. (250)
The field of computer science fascinates me; yet, I still don’t know which portion of computer science interests me most. Is it cyber security? Game development? Software engineering? Artificial intelligence? At the University of Southern California, I intend to explore different fields within computer science to discover what I am most passionate about. I truly appreciate the variety of technical electives for computer science that USC offers: Robotics, Game Programming, Cryptography, and more. I was especially intrigued by USC...
Supplemental Essay: Unique question posed by school
250 Words
What do you personally expect to get out of studying engineering or computer science in college? (250)
Although I have taught myself coding languages at home over the summers, I wish to further learn computer science through a college education. When learning by myself, I feel at a lost with what to do, with how to begin. These are things that I believe a college education will help me with: I will be given a direction to go in, and I will have individualized help when I require it. In addition, I love the idea of being...
Supplemental Essay: Unique question posed by school
253 Words
While the world as a whole may be more technologically advanced than ever before, the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) has outlined 14 Grand Challenges that engineers should focus on to improve life on the planet. Learn about the Grand Challenges at and tell us which challenge is most important, and why. (250)
Though all of the Grand Challenges are important and will advance human society, I believe the advancement of personalized learning is most important in the long-term. There is no question that education and knowledge is what fuels the advancement of society. Although we do have a great varied education in the United States, there is room for improvement. We currently have a cookie-cutter type of education, where every student learns the same thing. Many high schoolers are unable to explore...
Supplemental Essay: Extracurricular activity
414 Words
Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences. (150-400 words)
I gently placed my fingers on the keyboard and started typing some code that I learned mere minutes ago. I scratched my chin. “This might be a little to hard to teach. I don’t think I can use this idea for the workshop either,” I thought to myself, sighing. I had already spent three hours trying to come up with an idea for the next workshop. Not only did it have to be interesting to the students, but easy...
Supplemental Essay: Scholarship application
537 Words
Recognizing that you have applied to a focused area of study, please comment on the reasons you are interested in your chosen academic program. In this context, discuss personal experiences, goals, and interests that relate to your choice of major. (Please limit your response to 500 words.)
Ever since I was little, beautiful things have fascinated me: sunrises, waterfalls, butterflies, and more. It was expected that I loved art as much as I did. In fact, until recently, I couldn’t picture myself doing anything other than 2D art. When I was in middle school, I especially fell in love with a chatting website called xat. Not because I wanted to talk to strangers on the internet, but because I was fascinated with the beautiful profiles they...
Supplemental Essay: Intellectual interest
104 Words
Why do these areas appeal to you? (up to approximately 100 words).
When I took my first computer science class in 9th grade, I was immediately hooked. The projects in class were mini puzzles which, upon solving, served a task. Unlike the 2D art I loved dearly, the results were changing and interactive even after the project’s creation. However, as I took more classes, I realized that computer science and art aren’t mutually exclusive. With computer science, not only could I create something beautiful, but I could create something that...
Supplemental Essay: “Why us” school essay
128 Words
What is it about Yale that has led you to apply? (125 words or fewer)
Like many other students, I was drawn to Yale’s unique residential system which allows students to experience both the intimacy of a small school and the resources of a large school. In addition, I appreciate the way Yale structures their academic requirements. Since there aren’t specific classes but rather categories of classes you must take, this gives flexibility with course selection while ensuring that students broaden their worldview. I also love that Yale focuses on combining different fields...
Supplemental Essay: Intellectual interest
266 Words
Topic #1: Think about an idea or topic that has been intellectually exciting for you. Why are you drawn to it? (up to 250 words).
How do you bring a game to life? Sound effects, beautiful design, intricate storylines, and dynamic characters definitely make a game interesting and fun to play. They keep the player wanting more; yet, how do you make the player feel involved, like they’re a piece of the story? The answer most people think of is improving the storyline and the characters. The story should be well developed and elegantly told. The characters should be relatable and develop over the...
Supplemental Essay: Unique question posed by school
256 Words
Topic #2: Reflect on your engagement with a community to which you belong. How do you feel you have contributed to this community? (up to 250 words)
I gently placed my fingers on the keyboard and started typing some code that I learned mere minutes ago. I scratched my chin. “This might be a little to hard to teach. I don’t think I can use this idea for the workshop either,” I thought to myself, sighing. I had already spent three hours trying to come up with an idea for the next workshop for Code Club. Not only did it need to be interesting for the...
Supplemental Essay: Unique question posed by school
200 Words
Short-take questions (200 characters each)
What inspires you? The other girls I met at Kode with Klossy. Thought not all of them wanted to pursue a career in computer science, they were all eager to learn, supportive, and gave meaningful praise to one another. Yale’s residential colleges regularly host conversations with guests representing a wide range of experiences and accomplishments. What person, past or present, would you invite to speak? What question would you ask? Bailey Sok: What advice would you give to children...

School Specific Advice

Additional material sent in after waitlisted or deferred
138 Words
If you're waitlisted at Carnegie and want a spot in their class, CHOOSE THE PRIORITY WAITLIST. No one gets off the regular waitlist. Carnegie actually doesn't accept LOCIs. I didn't bother writing one. Instead, they have their own prompt. A...

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General Admissions Advice

How I narrowed down my essay topics
78 Words
For my common app essay, I couldn't decide what to write about. I ended up writing it 4 different times, about 4 different topics. I...
How to deal with the stress of applying to college
110 Words
Create a spreadsheet ASAP if you haven't already. Since I applied to 17 colleges, I was a mess. I used a spreadsheet to keep track of all of the different short responses I needed...
My advice about getting recommenders
106 Words
Get a recommender who personally knows you. Let's say Teacher A knows you really well. You talk to her everyday, she's really nice, and you mesh well together. However, you...
My insights about AP (Advanced Placement) courses and exams
82 Words
Only take APs for courses that are related to your major or that you actually would enjoy taking. Don't make yourself miserable taking AP...
What I wish I had known as a first generation applicant
41 Words
So much emphasis is placed on your test scores. Too much, actually....
Whether I used a private admissions counselor, and advice I received
119 Words
No, I didn't use a private admissions counselor. To be completely transparent, I was offered one by my parents. I am lucky to be born in an affluent family with parents who would do...

High School Performance

Weighted GPA
(equivalent to 4.00 unweighted)
Top 1%
Academic Performance in High School Steady

Test Scores

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Other SAT Scores
SAT Prep
PSAT Scores

AP / IB Classes and Scores

Details10 classes and scores



ActivitiesRobotics, Computer / Technology Volunteer, National Honor Society, Family Responsibilities, Tutoring/Mentoring, Other Club/Activity
Elaborate on Extracurriculars or Work

Experience & Awards

Volunteer Experiences
Awards Received
Application Additional Materials

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