B.A., Sociology
Hello! I'm an economics major on the pre-med track who loves dancing in her free time.
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Anaheim, California
Class of2022
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Yale University (New Haven, CT)
Applied for a B.A. in Sociology
Accepted and Enrolled Legacy: ParentSchool Specific Essays
Personal Statement669 WordsArt/acting/singing, Development of personal values, Extracurricular passion, Leadership experience, One moment that changed you, Volunteer/public interest work“Caitlin, for our debate, could you choreograph a spoken word dance expressing why the United States shouldn’t employ a unilateral assault against terrorism?” I remembered rallying up the class with the Charleston, playing swing music to enhance our discussion about the culture of the 1920s Harlem Renaissance, so naturally, I blurted, “Of course!”. As I walked to my next class, the gravity and relevance of the debate issue dawned on me. Panicking, I wondered: how would I effectively display...Read more...Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes or contributed to group efforts over time.While I was reading to the children in the local elementary school, introducing them to new characters and unknown realms, they gathered as close as possible, their bright eyes exuding an insatiable and genuine curiosity, their faces glued to the vibrant illustrations. I caught the gentle smile of Ms. Vicario, the OC Educational Arts Academy’s volunteer coordinator, who was sitting in the furthest corner of the cafeteria, and immediately felt belonging. Walking distance from my school, this elementary school...Read more...Personal Statement557 WordsAcademic achievement, Extracurricular passion, Interest in med/sci/math, Reaching a goal, Work experienceInefficiencies and wasted time are inherent in almost all systems that we encounter. This past summer, I interned at the Veterans Affairs Hospital and discovered that these inefficient systems not only refer to mechanical processes, but also human actions and everyday life. From the first day I began the internship, all the interns collectively met in a conference group as we began to discuss possible strategies to reduce some of the inefficiencies present in the radiology department. At the conclusion...Read more...Think about an academic subject that inspires you. Describe how you have furthered this interest inside and/or outside of the classroom.Portraits never cease to intrigue me. Beyond the individual brushstrokes comprising the subject’s face, I find the emotion behind the frozen image of an individual, trapped by the frame, to be more compelling. As I walked by the portraits in San Francisco’s Legion of Honor, I stared at each meticulously painted pairs of eyes as my brain began to process the visual stimulus. In art history, there lies an interplay between intuition and intentionality. My world was one...Read more...Personal Statement361 WordsEthical dilemma, Extracurricular passion, Feeling out of place, Interest in fine arts, Issue of personal significance, Leadership experienceAfter the Manchester attack, as I was teaching a jazz routine to local elementary school children in the downtown community, I caught glimpses of one of the children, Seetha, in the back corner with her head down and hands folded in her lap. The more I attempted to approach her, the more she closed herself off. Once I finally reached her, placing my hand on her shoulder, a small tear made its way down her cheek. This third grade child,...Read more...Supplemental Essay: “Why us” school essay204 WordsBrown’s fundamental value of “exploration”, embodied by the shopping period and pass/fail options, immediately attracted me as it allows me to craft my own intellectual experience. Phenomena like the pairing of Snoop Dogg and Martha Stewart to co-host a cooking show transcends traditional sociology, and the open curriculum will enable me to explore these academic pursuits. I hope to participate in the Engaged Scholars Program in Social Analysis and Research, which bridges academic and non-academic partners while utilizing...Read more...Supplemental Essay: Intellectual interest147 WordsSince attending a dance intensive that explored art’s impact on unifying and mobilizing society, I desired to find an equalizer. This experience first compelled me to pursue sociology, especially as analyzing power dynamics from an anthropological perspective revealed the inherent presence of economic disparities in hierarchical societies. However, in teaching dance to children from low-income households, I saw how talent and passion emerged, as the new scholarship kid outshone the girls who had been dancing for weeks and defied...Read more...Supplemental Essay: Other102 Words
On Labor Day, under the beaming sun, I scooped gelato alongside Mr. Kolb, my conservatory director, at our annual Commercial Dance fundraiser. Persistently grasping tongs in one hand and gripping a crutch in the other, his determination made me proud to be part of such a passionate art community. His mentorship inspired me to read to children at the local elementary school, their bright eyes exuding genuine curiosity. When I decided to attend OCSA, I expected to grow as an...Read more...Supplemental Essay: Unique question posed by school273 Words
Hello!!!!! I’m writing this while listening to Wiz Khalifa’s “Something New”, hoping to find some clever way to break the ice. My music interests range from Ludovico Einaudi to Post Malone, and I guarantee you’ll catch me awkwardly jamming out to the latest YG track before our first day. If you agree that it’s Troy’s “Bet On It” from High School Musical that epitomizes preteen angst, I hope you’ll join me in some pitchy...Read more...Supplemental Essay: Unique question posed by school45 WordsComplacency. From experiencing song title amnesia to blindly following social paradigms, no one should be satisfied in accepting what’s unknown or what feels comfortable. In order to innovate and prevent a stagnating society, people need to ask questions, seek answers, and crave learning. (43)Read more...Supplemental Essay: Unique question posed by school52 WordsNixon and Watergate - after listening to the 18 minute silence in the Watergate tapes at the Nixon Library, I have this insatiable curiosity to know what was so secretive to conceal. In today’s hyper-political world, I desire to find missing truth. “Curiosity kills the cat”, and it certainly got me. (50).Read more...Supplemental Essay: Unique question posed by school47 Words
If given the chance, of course I would spend the extra time teaching dance in the downtown community. I’m able to share a passion of mine, and learning from the students and watching them grow invigorates my own desire to continue creating art that inspires others.Read more...Supplemental Essay: Intellectual interest260 Words
The Stanford community is deeply curious and driven to learn in and out of the classroom. Reflect on an idea or experience that makes you genuinely excited about learning. (100 to 250 words)
Portraits never cease to intrigue me. Although I processed the emotion behind the strokes comprising the subject’s face, the frozen image of an individual trapped by the frame still implied something more, something latent. As I walked by the portraits in San Francisco’s Legion of Honor, I stared at each meticulously painted pairs of eyes, immersing myself in the worlds of these artists. In art history, there lies an interplay between intuition and intentionality. My world was one...Read more...Supplemental Essay: Issue of personal significance254 Words
As I was reading at the local elementary school, introducing new characters and unknown realms, the children gathered as close as possible, their bright eyes exuding an insatiable and genuine curiosity, their faces glued to the vibrant illustrations. I caught the gentle smile of Ms. Vicario, the OC Educational Arts Academy’s volunteer coordinator, who was sitting in the furthest corner of the cafeteria, and immediately felt belonging. Walking distance from my school, this elementary school was my home on...Read more...Supplemental Essay: Extracurricular activity156 Words
Walking down from my System-Redesign internship office, I noticed a veteran in a wheelchair, the words “Korean War” his only identifiers. I felt compelled to speak. He lifted his cap with callused hands to reveal tired eyes. With fragmented speech, he explained the traumas of war. A few years prior, news had surfaced, criticizing the Veterans Affairs Hospital for indifference due to a lack of access to patient care. Now, watching this veteran patiently wait for hours beyond his scheduled...Read more...Supplemental Essay: Diversity statement503 Words
Personally, music has constantly functioned as both a form of therapy and a source of motivation. The lulls in the melodies invoke serenity amidst a chaotic world and the thumping baselines foster release from the routine of mundane life. In dance, increased movement energy mimic the crescendos in the singer’s voice while dynamics mirror the underlying harmonies. I had this convoluted idea that both dance and music were primarily introspective art forms, focused mainly on self improvement; I couldn...Read more...Supplemental Essay: Unique question posed by school584 WordsPersonally, music has constantly functioned as both a form of therapy and a source of motivation. The lulls in the melodies invoke serenity amidst a chaotic world and the thumping baselines foster release from the routine of mundane life. In dance, increased movement energy mimic the crescendos in the singer’s voice while dynamics mirror the underlying harmonies. I had this convoluted idea that both dance and music were primarily introspective art forms, focused mainly on self improvement; I couldn...Read more...Supplemental Essay: Extracurricular activity253 Words
Despite my busy year, marked by ten hour school days, I don’t crave relaxation. Lying on the warm sand of the beach is far from serene since my mind continues to wander, incessantly seeking knowledge amidst this rare lull in my normally chaotic life. So inevitably, my summers have become times to accomplish everything possible. In 2017, I engaged in a Fullerton College Cultural Anthropology course, learning about the influence of power dynamics on individual societies and writing an ethnography...Read more...Supplemental Essay: Unique question posed by school535 Words
As I was reading at the local elementary school, the children gathered as close as possible, with their bright eyes exuding genuine curiosity and their faces glued to the vibrant illustrations that revealed new characters and unknown realms. Amidst the bookshelves with the most cherished books ripping apart at the seams from the countless backpack shoves, I caught the gentle smile of Ms. Vicario, the OC Educational Arts Academy’s volunteer coordinator, and immediately felt belonging. Walking distance from my...Read more...Supplemental Essay: Unique question posed by school648 Words
Reflecting on your involvement throughout high school or within the community, how have you engaged with one or more of Pitzer's core values?
Personally, music has consistently functioned as a form of therapy and a motivating force. The lulls in the melodies invoke serenity amidst a chaotic world and the thumping baselines foster release from the routine of mundane life. I had this convoluted idea that dance was a primarily introspective art form, focused mainly on self improvement; I couldn’t have been more mistaken. Since attending a dance intensive that explored art’s impact on unifying and mobilizing society, I desired to...Read more...Supplemental Essay: Unique question posed by school405 Words
The house lights dimmed and soft red hue of the stage lights brightened to illuminate fifteen students posed in three straight lines. Amidst the chaos of parents cheering and cameras flashing, I was hypnotized by the children’s bright eyes and goofy smiles that revealed nothing but genuine joy. I glanced over at Lauren, who had collaborated with me on this journey, as we both watched this performance that represented an endeavor that tested our patience, communication, and pride. At...Read more...Supplemental Essay: Extracurricular activity358 WordsInefficiencies and wasted time are inherent in almost all systems we encounter. However, my internship with the System Redesign department at the Veterans Affairs Hospital helped me realize that these inefficient systems not only refer to mechanical processes, but also to human interactions. On the first day, I walked into a large conference room to meet my boss Vi. A large packet of LEAN efficiency principles thumped onto my desk, and Vi immediately said, “Start creating your projects,” and left...Read more...Supplemental Essay: Diversity statement668 Words
“Caitlin, for our debate, could you choreograph a spoken word dance expressing why the United States shouldn’t employ a unilateral assault against terrorism?” I remembered rallying up the class with the Charleston, playing swing music to enhance our discussion about the culture of the 1920s Harlem Renaissance. So naturally, I blurted, “Of course!” As I walked to my next class, the gravity and relevance of the debate issue dawned on me. Panicking, I wondered: how would I effectively display...Read more...Supplemental Essay: “Why us” school essay615 Words
As I was reading at the local elementary school, introducing new characters and unknown realms, the children gathered as close as possible, their bright eyes exuding genuine curiosity, their faces glued to the vibrant illustrations. I caught the gentle smile of Ms. Vicario, the OC Educational Arts Academy volunteer coordinator, and immediately felt belonging. This is the embodiment of what drew me to Georgetown: an academic community that vows to foster knowledge to create active citizens who advance the well-being...Read more...Supplemental Essay: “Why us” school essay659 WordsAs I was reading at the local elementary school, introducing new characters and unknown realms, the children gathered as close as possible, their bright eyes exuding genuine curiosity, their faces glued to the vibrant illustrations. I caught the gentle smile of Ms. Vicario, the OC Educational Arts Academy volunteer coordinator, and immediately felt belonging. This is the embodiment of what drew me to Cornell: the fundamental maxim of “Learning. Discovery. Engagement.” Rather than learning to create eloquent writing, I cherished...Read more...Supplemental Essay: “Why us” school essay308 Words
Columbia’s core, which fosters exploration in various fields of study, immediately attracted me. Phenomena like the strange pairing of Snoop Dogg and Martha Stewart co-hosting a cooking show require more than sociology to understand, and the core’s emphasis on arts and music humanities will allow me to investigate these academic pursuits. While I possess this insatiable curiosity to learn and discover, I more greatly value the ability to utilize knowledge to enact change. Rather than simply learning to...Read more...Supplemental Essay: Unique question posed by school132 Words
A campus with a culture and influence that bleed into the surrounding city Courses that foster meaningful discourse and engagement A place where students are encouraged to find new avenues to achieve social justice Mentors who so profoundly inspire, compelling students to inspire others in return A place where you can simultaneously motivate others and be motivated A diverse yet connected student body in which an aspiring Broadway actress and biomedical engineer can learn from each other A school with...Read more...Supplemental Essay: “Why us” school essay125 Words
An overarching spirit of “both/and” that fills Yale’s campus drew me in. Students engage in sociological debate while analyzing art with Ron Eyerman, understanding the strange pairing of Snoop Dogg and Martha Stewart as cooking show co-hosts. These interdisciplinary links manifest themselves in the randomized residential college system, fostering communities of individuals with wide varieties of interests. This both/and spirit translates to campus dance troupes, as A Different Drum maintains the foundations of traditional ballet and modern...Read more...Supplemental Essay: Extracurricular activity253 Words
As I was reading at the local elementary school, introducing new characters and unknown realms, the children gathered as close as possible, their bright eyes exuding an insatiable and genuine curiosity, their faces glued to the vibrant illustrations. I caught the gentle smile of Ms. Vicario, the OC Educational Arts Academy’s volunteer coordinator, who was sitting in the furthest corner of the cafeteria, and immediately felt belonging. Walking distance from my school, this elementary school was my home on...Read more...Supplemental Essay: Unique question posed by school31 Words
I am inspired by savants with unexplainable ingenuity and by revolutionaries like Maya Angelou, challenging paradigms and creating eloquent art as an act of defiance made accessible to the public. (196)Read more...Supplemental Essay: Unique question posed by school35 Words
Shirin Neshat! What was it like to return to Iran after the Iranian Revolution and adoption of Western customs? How did you bridge the influences of Iran and the United States in your portraits? (194)Read more...Supplemental Essay: Unique question posed by school29 Words
Western Dance in Western Media. Through the extravagant social dances of Fitzgerald’s Great Gatsby or jazz-inspired political rebellions in Carter’s Swing Kids, dance depicts cultures unexplored. (195)Read more...Supplemental Essay: Unique question posed by school31 Words
I would be the fitness task master, hosting impromptu ab workouts at 1 a.m., teaching 80s aerobic classes during television commercial breaks, and leading N-SYNC dance tributes right upon waking. (195)Read more...Supplemental Essay: “Why us” school essay622 Words
As I was reading at the local elementary school, the children gathered as close as possible, their bright eyes exuding genuine curiosity, their faces glued to the vibrant illustrations that revealed new characters and unknown realms. Rather than learning to create eloquent writing, what I cherish most is utilizing these mediums as forces for change. This is the embodiment of what drew me to UPenn: the fundamental maxim of “well-done is better than well-said”. In retrospect, this maxim sparked thought...Read more...School Specific Advice
Additional material sent in after waitlisted or deferred72 WordsI was initially deferred when I applied early action to Yale. After being deferred, I wrote a letter of interest to the...Read more...How to increase chances at my school40 WordsShow that you are engaged in the community and the arts. Yale...Read more...How I would rate the diversity of the student body32 WordsYale's student body is extremely diverse and we have preorientation...Read more...How to increase chances at my school53 WordsUC schools get many many applications. I think that grades are really important in these applications...Read more...How to increase chances at my school65 WordsThese schools all have early decision rounds. If you are highly considering these schools, I would recommend applying early. Early...Read more...How to increase chances at my school45 WordsColumbia loves reading and loves the core! Instead of talking about New York (they...Read more...How I chose schools to apply to81 WordsI would recommend choosing schools that fall into multiple categories: reach, target, and safety. It's important to apply to schools in each of these...Read more...How to increase chances at my school57 WordsI believe that Stanford is looking for more than just the generic, intelligent applicant. Show Stanford a...Read more...List of schools I interviewed with and my interview experience174 WordsI interviewed at each of these schools, and generally, the interview format will similar. Make sure to be able to talk about who you are, where you are from, some details about growing up, what you are interested in, and what you are passionate about. Make sure to dress in business casual...Read more...List of schools I interviewed with and my interview experience106 WordsI interviewed for Berkeley because of their Regent's and Chancellor's Scholarship. It was honestly a pretty chill experience and the interviewers definitely just wanted to have a calm conversation with you. That...Read more...More Essays
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General Admissions Advice
How to deal with the stress of applying to college93 WordsCollege application season is an extremely stressful time, characterized by uncertainty and fear. While things may seem overwhelming at times, it's important to take everything day by day....Read more...My advice about getting recommenders142 WordsMake sure that you get recommenders who know you on a personal level. Even if you scored lower in one class in comparison to another, focus on the teachers/mentors who know about your work ethic, participation, and community engagement. If anything, great...Read more...Recommended summer activities during high school and college135 WordsRemember quality over quantity. It's a cliche but entirely true. The UC and Common Application both limit the number of activities that you are able to list, so make sure that you choose consistency and continuity. Also make sure that you...Read more...My insights about AP (Advanced Placement) courses and exams159 WordsAP Courses and exams are necessary to take because they serve as another benchmark or standard for colleges to see you in comparison to a national or international student sample. Balance the number of AP courses with the scores that you think you can obtain. I personally took 9...Read more...What set me apart from other applicants51 WordsI think that what sets people apart is the combination of community service, academic rigor ...Read more...What I learned transitioning from high school to college98 WordsNo matter how much you prepare, the transition from high school to college will be unexpected. I moved across the country for college and found myself surrounded by a...Read more...How I narrowed down my essay topics95 WordsI narrowed down my essay topics by brainstorming and jotting down notes about what I could potentially write for each essay topic. Usually, some topics will generate more notes...Read more...How to approach transferring schools93 WordsI personally did not transfer schools but I have many friends at community colleges or larger state universities who are looking to transfer. I would recommend taking general...Read more...Whether I used a private admissions counselor, and advice I received164 WordsI personally did not use a private admissions counselor, but I do know many friends who did use these counselors. I have heard that it is important to craft a story when creating your application. Make sure that all of your courses, essays, and extracurriculars come together in order...Read more...High School Performance
Weighted GPA4.75(equivalent to 4.00 unweighted)RankTop 1%
Academic Performance in High School Steady
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Highest SAT1580SAT Score DetailsOther SAT ScoresSAT Prep
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ActivitiesCommunity Cleanup / Service, Dance, Hospital Volunteer, National Honor Society, Key Club, Tutoring/Mentoring
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