It came as a surprise. An accusatory glance, a pointed finger, and then laughter afterward. And it was over. Or so I thought. Running around to teachers in the morning just to say “Hello” and stopping in the hall to give a hug to a friend, the allegation appeared again, like a monster rearing its ugly head. “You’re a spy.” I felt like the wind had been knocked out of me, suddenly having the faint idea of what Nixon...
Supplemental Essay Unique question posed by school
253 Words
Looking back on when I made a review, a sort of history “crash course” for my friends I find it funny, that even as full-IB students, with tests that are all writing (and I’m talking essays, not short answer!) my friends and I could still manage to “freak out” over a multiple choice test, mandated by the state. However, in this case I am proud to say, it wasn’t me! For one of the few times I can...
Additional Essay Details
243 Words
I wrote about three or four personal essays. They each took a bit of thought and a ridiculous number of revisions. But the one I sent in was pretty much in its raw form. I found that the most organic essay was the most powerful and also the most personal. Supplements to college applications are so the school can get to know you better, but if the reader of your application does not get a good sense of you in...
General Admissions Advice
What set me apart from other applicants
18 Words
My common app essay and...
How to increase chances at my school
68 Words
Be yourself. Find something that sets you apart from other applicants. My test scores weren't the best, but my personality...
High School Performance
Weighted GPA
Top 1%
High School TypePublic College Classes In High School Academic Performance in High School
Steady Explanation of Low Grades
Test Scores
Highest ACT
ACT Score Details
ACT Prep
Highest SAT
on 1600 scale
Highest SAT
SAT Score Details
Original SAT Score1780
SAT Prep
AP / IB Classes and Scores
Details5 classes and scores
ActivitiesModel Congress / Model UN, Muslim Students Association, National Honor Society, Spanish Club, Science Club/Team Elaborate on Extracurriculars or Work
Experience & Awards
How Spent Summers Volunteer Experiences Awards Received
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Accepted to Princeton, Stanford
I am a native New Yorker whose family is from Brazil. I attended the Horace Mann School and now am a senior at Stanford University.