To Dungeons Deep
As the adventurers approached a clearing, the forest thinned, allowing the reddening sun to shine through the trees. The sun would soon come to rest, and each member of the group felt the need to do the same. The clearing provided flat dry ground for their campsite, and they could anchor their horses to a nearby tree. They paid no heed to the oddly angled trunks and uprooted stumps, and drifted off to sleep as the Half-Orc...
General Admissions Advice
High School Performance
High School TypePublic Academic Performance in High School
Steady Explanation of Low Grades
Test Scores
AP / IB Classes and Scores
Details7 classes and scores
ActivitiesDebate Club/Team, Philosophy Club, Math Team
Experience & Awards
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Accepted to Stony Brook, Rochester, Johns Hopkins, CMU, UPenn, Tufts
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