Texas A&M University
Whether studying the periodic table of the elements, understanding the effectsof the Stuart monarchs, or learning how to take a derivative, oftentimes school-work seems irrelevant to my day-to-day life or future career. EvenSpanish class, which could someday allow me to communicate with hundreds ofmillions of people, seems ineffective when we are asked to read poetry inSpanish or learning how to order food at a German restaurant theoreticallylocated in Madrid...
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
From what I have learned, The Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan is oriented more towards action-based than classroom learning. I have spoken with several students who relate stories about going to class and then working with other students to begin a non-profit organization or business start-up...
Texas A&M University
Superfluous school zones--where speeds go down and fines go up. One Mondaymorning. I approached the intersection of Royal and Arborside, pressing on thebrakes, irritated that I had to slow down. School zones and running late don'tmix well...
University of Pennsylvania
The traditional assumptions one might make about my life based on the color of my skin are not necessarily accurate. I have never had to wonder where my next meal will come from or whether I will have a roof to sleep under. Unlike what my parents experienced growing up, I have lived a fairly privileged life...
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
If you were to look at me there is really only one physical attribute that would be instantly apparent...
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
When I mention the show “Glee” people either react with joy or annoyance (mostly the latter). Despite the haters, Glee remains my number one favorite show...
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Recently, my family and I had the opportunity to hear Michele Norris speak at a local university. My brother and I grew up as prisoners to public radio. I remember hearing Michele Norris’ voice narrating the show All Things Considered every day on the way home from school...
Davidson College
I must admit I was at first skeptical about Davidson. I found myself researching the school only at the request of my father who had some friends who graduated from the institution. I was concerned about the location and the lack of business school; however, upon researching, and more certainly after setting foot on campus, I found these concerns were not nearly as serious as I had first thought...
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Startled, I opened my eyes to the buzzing of the floor phone. Kicking myself for falling asleep, I reached behind me to answer. “Floor this is Andrew.” The voice on the other end, annoyed at how long it took me to answer spat back, “Go find Senator Grassley, he needs to vote.”..
Johns Hopkins University
I turn off the Siren calls of television whispering into my ear to return to the blissful refuge of idleness; I am Odysseus - I have agendas to write, deadlines to confront, budgets to wrestle. “Nevermore” the Raven cries rejecting a series of impossible ambitions for the Homecoming Dance. No, a snow machine really isn’t practical, I squawk. I bear the scarlet A proudly while onlookers raise eyebrows as I munch on vegetables at an All You Can Eat Korean BBQ joint...
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