As an avid music producer and mathematician, I really enjoy noticing the similarities between both fields. I have been producing music throughout high school, and for the past year I began experimenting with mathematics through music. One day, I hope to research this topic in depth either as a university professor or a composer...
I am completely convinced that The Onion is the greatest “news” source on the web. Its daily articles are some of the best pieces of satire I’ve ever seen. However, most people wouldn’t go so far as to consider The Onion “meaningful”; that’s where I disagree...
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I was in a giant, fuzzy, non-airconditioned mascot suit dancing in an arena filled with thousands of spectators, including my school’s entire student body. I was at the High School State Championship basketball game in March of last year, dressed as a Cavalier. The uniform included giant boots with gold belt buckles, a sword, and a giant fedora. Now, I can usually keep my composure, but anybody in my position would have been a little bit nervous, especially because of what I was planning to do following the game...
My search for colleges began with much self-reflection. Having cautiously decided on the broad category of “business” upon eliminating other popular career paths (doctor, lawyer, engineer), I nevertheless had only a vague idea of what it entailed. But even though I have no formal business experience, the experiences that I do possess have helped me understand my personal interests better, and lead me to specific possibilities that are unique to NYU...
“Nationalist!” The smug, contemptuous jeer of one upperclassman boy upon realizing that I was one, Taiwanese, and two, insistent on being referred to as such.
Wait, what sort of insult was that? Dumbfounded, I failed to think of a single retort.
“Taiwan is not a country! It’s not part of the United Nations.”
The haughty teasing of an otherwise friendly and likeable girl who happened to be Chinese as we sat together on the school lawn during lunch. What was wrong with these people? Again, I was left frustrated and confused...
It didn’t matter that I turned left when everyone else turned right, or that I had already sweat through my shirt, I had found a place where I wasn’t characterized by my age, looks, or grades: I was solely judged on my ability to bust a move.Blaring techno music enveloped the room, and 30 pairs of sneakered feet scraped the glazed wood floor, each pair struggling to keep up with the instructor. Sweat pooled into my eyes and gilded my shoulder blades, and a smile slowly erupted on my face...
This is the shortest poem I’ve ever written: “My Sunday paper route was cut short/the day there were organs in the street./With newsreels blaring and my eyes/sealed shut, I didn’t know if they were/your kidneys or church pianos.” Despite this poem’s brevity, it plays a more significant role in my life than any of my other works...
What follows is not the story of how I became the Student Body President of my school, how I contributed five hundred hours of my time to community service, how I became the valedictorian of my class, how I overcame my asthma to become a distinguished athlete, nor how I got a perfect score on the SAT. If I had written this essay on any of these topics, then this would not be the essay of an ideal student but of an ideal liar. Despite the fact that my story does not end in any of the aforementioned conclusions, there is still an indication of my striving to get to where I am today as a human being with goals...
After visiting numerous schools over the past year, only one boasted what I was truly seeking: the feeling of a tight-knit community coupled with the resources and advantages of a prominent university. Duke offers countless research opportunities to undergraduate students, which I would unquestionably take advantage of, as I have done in high school, conducting scientific research over the past two summers...
The white, curly hair sitting upon his head matched his lab coat precisely, and I was taken aback by his uncanny resemblance to a stereotypical mad scientist. I immediately questioned the acclaim he had garnered from the school community and wondered how someone so outlandish could be so highly regarded. The notion of this man becoming the most influential person in my life would have seemed absurd. In retrospect, however, the absurdity lies in my initial judgement of Mr. Horrace, who would ultimately become just that: the most influential person in my life...