Design your own course:History through Music
Course Description: In this course, students would analyze popular music from different decades in an attempt to make a connection between the songs and the cultural, political, and social events that were taking place at the same time. Often times, songs reflect the opinions and sentiments of the younger generations during the time in which the songs were written...
After my sister was adopted from Kazakhstan, I became extremely interested in the history of her home country. Even though I'm not Kazakh, I really wanted to expand my knowledge of the country in the hopes that by educating myself, I could later teach my sister. In order to become more cognizant of Kazakhstan's culture, I subscribed to the capital's newspaper, The Astana Times...
At TCU, the Christian environment allows students that attend to foster their values and worldviews in a Christian mindset. During my time as a Horned Frog, I want to foster the Christian values I have been raised with further so I am able to face the world with faith in mind...
“Learning to change the world.” Texas Christian University’s vision of educating their students to change the world is appealing to me. I want to change the world...
University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign Undergrad
"Long hours, long weeks, and one long season, cheerleading has been the sport I have been most involved with since the beginning of high school. Cheerleading begins before school even starts. We start around the end of June to learn new cheers, perfect old cheers, learn dances, and get the new girls and freshmen up to speed with the caliber we were at last year...
Would you like a pocket-sized me?
My friends keep telling me they wish they could shrink me so I can always be there. They tell me I’m a good listener, even though most people stereotype debaters like me as bigheaded, stubborn and subjective. I must be the black swan to that hasty generalization; I do listen...
"Did you know that there's no such thing as love? It's just chemicals running through your brain."
Yes, yes, I'm more than familiar with the most commonplace neuroscientific statement. Neuroscience floats my boat. I want to know all about how the brain and body works to make us human. What more is there to life?..
What do 70% of New Zealanders, 53% of Americans and 26% of Britons have in common? They are unhappy at work. Shocking! Sad fact: most people aren't lucky enough to escape the workplace. Global financial crisis in mind, I doubt we'll be able to change our social structure soon to abolish the need for work. So what can be done?..
“We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand." --Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture
As I climbed the branch and pulled myself up a little higher, I could begin to make out the village below, nestled between the towering mountains. The sun was disappearing behind the darkening peaks, and what was left of its light was shining through the clouds with a golden glow. “This is something you would see on a postcard,” I thought to myself...
When Abraham Lincoln folded up the scrap of paper from which he had read his address at Gettysburg, he never could have known that his two-minute oration would still be stirring the souls of citizens of every stripe more than 150 years later. Lincoln referred to his vision that a “government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” Those carefully chosen words in 1863 defined a country wherein democracy could flourish while treating people of differing races, religions, and political viewpoints with respect. Not long after I studied Lincoln in my first few years of high school, I began noticing how politicians conduct themselves today, and it occurred to me that the lessons of Lincoln have long been lost...