Cornell University
My interest in engineering comes from a deep seeded love of math and science. Since third grade, I have been placed in the highest level math class offered, and have also excelled in science. Engineering combines math and science, making it the most interesting field for me...
Cornell University
She was almost my age but how could I relate to her? We couldn’t talk about sports or movies or the latest video games. She couldn’t be a friend, or at least not by my definition of a “friend” at that time. I was too young to know what she could offer...
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Cornell University
As long as I can remember, I have wanted to make an impact on the world. I don’t want to just contribute to society, I want to change the way society works...
Cornell University
My favorite color is periwinkle. It is the color of lilacs, the color that looks best with lime green, and the color that consists of specific quantities of blue and purple mixed together. Periwinkle changes based on the surrounding elements. Naturally, I used periwinkle for my first textile screen print...
Cornell University
I consider apparel design to be more than clothing magazines, shopping, or size 0 models; I love the fact that design is about innovation, practicality, and aesthetics. In high school, I managed to incorporate design into one of my community service projects. The fundraising project I established with my uncle’s colleague in Afghanistan for an orphanage was my own attempt to use design to help others...
Cornell University
At the end of my sophomore year I was offered a full scholarship to attend Dayton University’s Women in Engineering summer program. Initially, I was hesitant to accept this offer because I had never really considered engineering as my career field of choice. Both math and science have always been of great interest to me and I have excelled in these two honors programs in high school. With my parents urging and encouragement, I decided to take their advice and I attend the week-long engineering program and, to my surprise, I had a wonderful, once-in-a-lifetime experience...
Cornell University
There is one influential person in my life that has influenced me to become that I am; that extraordinary person is my mother. Ever since I was a young child, my mother has encouraged me to believe in myself, never being afraid to speak my mind and stand up for myself, no matter the situation...
Cornell University
Ever since I was a young child, I have known that I wanted to go into the field of law. I was unusually inquisitive, and it was not in my nature to just accept any answer presented. When challenged by me, my mother would simply justify her answers by stating "It's the law!"According to my parents, by the time I had reached the age of three, I demanded to know who makes up the laws (rules) and who did I need to see to get these laws changed! Law has always intrigued me...
Cornell University
Age: 13. Assignment: Make a PowerPoint presentation on Greek gods. Turn on five-year old eMachine computer. Open PowerPoint. Crash. Restart. Second attempt. Crash. Restart. Third attempt. PowerPoint opens. Type one slide. Save. Crash. Restart. Windows fatal error: cannot boot. Frustration. Anger. Failure. The year was 2003, the beginning of a new millennium, and I was trying to do 21st century work on a 20th parents refused to get a new computer, I was stuck...
Cornell University
To me, engineering is taking knowledge gained in the classroom – in physics, in calculus, in chemistry – and using it to create. It is the “Wow!” exclaimed after closing a circuit to find an LED light blinking at the calculated rate, the amazement when making a transmission in robotics that switches perfectly between desired speeds, the joy when a complex computer science algorithm simply works. It is taking curiosity to another level; not only asking and answering questions but using those answers creatively and practically in intellectual endeavors. Engineering is the initiative to conquer the unknown, to try something completely new with only knowledge guiding the innovation. To me, engineering is living life to the fullest, pursuing every idea and ambition that curiosity and creativity can fathom...
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