It's all their fault. My mother, a dentist, saw little value in handwriting. Studying biology (a family tradition) doesn't require clear writing. In fact, her dream of seeing a doctor seems to entail just the opposite. My father, a computer engineer turned businessman, had always thought that keyboards would eventually replace the ever-mighty pen. He was right; mandatory typing classes and the proliferation of computers have made handwriting a vestigial skill...
I've learned that I perform my best when I am interested in what I am doing. After seeing what the ILR has to offer, I know that attending will motivate me to succeed. The ILR program brings together two fields that have struck a chord with my interests in a way that no other schools can replicate: business and politics...
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If given the chance to attend Cornell University, I would like to major in the area of Information Science. I have always considered myself a very technical and mathematically oriented person, this I feel, has drawn my interests towards Computer Science. However, at the same time I have also developed interests in other fields, such as Economics, Psychology, and Cognitive Studies...
There are many factors to address in my desire to transfer to Cornell University. That being said, I feel it is important to mention that Boston University, my current school, does not seem like the right fit for me. As a student, I am looking for more of a community feel as well as a more defined campus. I have also realized while living in Boston, that I want to be in a quieter setting, and a large city just does not seem to match what I had hoped for of college life. To me, Cornell University, as well as Ithaca in general, represents what I really want from my college experience...
Set at flame, my sister and I were pulled out of a skin peeling fire by an adult male and thrown in a gulf of sand, rocks and broken glass bottles. Accidentally I landed on rocks; blood began dribbling out of the miniscule cut on my forehead. From that moment I became known as the eight year old who saved the life of his sister from being swallowed by fire. Almost getting burned to death but surviving and coming out of the fire with just blood and a third degree burn. Recovering from the burn is another story, the story that shapes the individual I am today...
Within my four years of High School, I have participated in many clubs and activities on school grounds and within the community. One club that I take the greatest pride being part of is Key Club International. Key Club is a community service organization that helps to mold and shape high school students into leaders and caring individuals. As a Lieutenant Governor, I organized various environmental cleanup projects and brought together students and adults from various schools and communities...
While most people watching a softball game notice the athletic skills of the players, my favorite aspect of the sport is less obvious. I love the mental game! I am thinking and scheming before every play...
I can feel the dust settling around me as I sit patiently on the wooden shelf. My cover is dog-eared, and my pages are wrinkled from the tears that have fallen on them. It has been awhile since ***** has been able to read me. After school, she rushes past my niche in the corner of her room. She drops her bat bag, changes her clothes, and darts back out without even glancing at me. The door slams, shaking my shelf roughly. Seconds later, my hopes rise as the door opens again, but she is only here to grab her chemistry textbook. Once the door slams, I am left in silence; however, I will not complain. After all, I am the reason she is so driven and busy...
Like many people do, I went up to my parents one night when I was in sixth grade and told them that I wanted to be a doctor. My parents smiled and expressed excitement, just like they had done when I said I wanted to be a teacher, a movie star, and an astronaut. They did not actually believe that I would stick with that new dream. After all, I was only eleven and had years to decide what field I would pursue. However, I maintained that goal through junior school and high school, and now, as I apply to college, “physician or surgeon” occupy the “future occupation” box on each application...
Ever since my early years, I’ve always had an enjoyment for puzzles; brain teasers, riddles, crosswords, you name it. Still as one of my hobbies today, playing these mind-challenging games in my free time has formed my brain to think that no feat is impossible to overcome...