University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign (Engineering) Other
The book: Feynman's Lectures on Physics; describes how science explains the mechanisms of Nature, from snow flake formations due to the 120 degree symmetric structure of ice, to quantum mechanics. It was the most fascinating experience; for the first time appreciating science as a vision that held the key to understanding itself.This exposure to the beauty of the scientific approach was a boon, but the inherent mathematical precision it demands only became evident when I entered pre-university and was challenged with problems from the book: Problems in General Physics by I.E Irodov...
Since before I could walk and talk, I never underestimated the fact that I could eat. Growing up with a mother who was a real estate broker but also had a lifetime passion for food and dreams of owning her own restaurant, the hospitality industry has had an influence on me from my earliest years. Ever since I can remember, so much of my days have been spent overhearing real estate terms over gourmet meals at the dinner table to a point where I thought that the block and lot number was a part of my address...
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It is hard for me to choose just one activity to elaborate on, for I dedicate myself whole-heartedly to everything that I do. Yet my most treasured time is spent through being a sister and mentor to my brother, Matthew. No matter how much homework I have or how exhausted I am, I always make sure I sit with Matthew every day and show him that I am there for him. Matthew is a compassionate, helpful little boy who is often underestimated by his classmates for the special qualities that he holds...
Up until the very last minute of my birth, my parents were ninety-nine percent sure that I was going to be a boy. They had planned meticulously for my arrival, anticipating a bouncing bundle of joy that was to be named Jonathan. Jonathan was expected to have my father’s wry sense of humor and my mother’s gentle heart. Imagine their surprise when the moment came, and out popped a bouncing bundle of…FEMALE joy?!..
University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign Undergrad
The world was just pages in a history book until I traveled to Poland the summer after freshman year. Rather than looking at pictures and reading stories, I actually lived history when I spent long afternoons travelling and touring the old cities of Krakow, Lublin, and Warsaw. Here, I learned about the basics of my Polish heritage by visiting museums, historical monuments, and quaint underground restaurants exclusive to those parts of Poland. However, the most eye-opening part of my trip was experiencing the basics through briefly living my grandparents' simple village life...
Individuality has always been supported in my household. It has been instilled in me that it doesn’t matter what path people believe you should follow because others truly don’t know where your fervor lays...
I will never forget the warmth as it trickled down my thighs, soaking my tan tights as it puddled around my feet. Reality hit me like a wave a bricks. If I had only thought to go to the bathroom before the show, I would not be standing on stage in front of a full-house audience in a puddle of my miscalculation...
My academic focus at Boston College has been geared toward a degree in Chemistry. While I still have an interest in this field, I have come to realize that I am even more fascinated with the application of science to the field of psychology. The ideal major for me would be Neuroscience and Behavior since it perfectly integrates my academic interests. Boston College does not offer this major or many of the opportunities that are available at a university with a Neuroscience major. On the contrary, Vassar offers a wide variety of opportunities within the department that are unique to the university, such as presenting independent research at the annual Vassar College URSI symposium and at meetings like those held by the Society for Neurosciences...
Confusion. Intimidation. Loneliness. These are the words that describe how I felt as an 11 year old riding the train to my new school for the very first time. My mother stood on the platform and gave a hopeful smile that assured me I made the right decision. I nervously followed the hoard of excited, screaming children onto the train, but as I looked back to my mother, the doors shut and shielded my eyes from her loving smile. The train jerked forward as it began its 30-mile trek from Boca Raton to West Palm Beach. Sitting in the booth alone, approaching the unknown, I was doing something I had never done before, and there was no promise that I wouldn’t regret my choice...
Chemistry is an area of study that I am very interested in because it combines the study of physical and chemical processes in a field that is limitless. This past summer, I was an intern in a physical chemistry lab at the University of Florida through the Student Science Training Program. I spent 7 weeks working in a lab that combined my two favorite subjects: physics and chemistry...