Tufts University
For the past four years, I have attended a very open and accepting arts high school that has helped me on my journey of personal discovery. I have been able to dedicate myself to studying piano while also focusing on my academic classes...
University of Michigan
My love for the physical sciences became apparent two years ago as a sophomore in high school. I was determined to figure out what subjects I would excel at and would interest me. Once I started my first chemistry class, it became obvious. The subject immediately clicked for me...
Brandeis University
Moving to Puerto Rico was not my idea. I was against it from day one and from the second my mother first mentioned it, I was already formulating my counter argument. I did not speak much Spanish nor was I ready to move from the big city to the middle of nowhere Aguadilla. My argument didn’t have much, if any, weight on my mother’s decision, and at the end of the school year, I found myself with a one way ticket to Aguadilla, Puerto Rico...
University of Michigan
I had a great pleasure of going to the University of Michigan – Flint for my first year of college. I want to transfer to the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor because I cannot suppress the desire of going to a college that I have been thinking about since I was a child...
Rutgers, State University of New Jersey - New Brunswick
!I’m a little over-dramatic. I tend to get overly excited about everything, from wanting two characters in my favorite book to finally fall in love to thinking that the production of pennies sullies our economy. Needless to say, I am a bit of a fan-girl.The stereotypical fan-girl is hyper and obnoxious, and tends to shout from the rooftops her beliefs about everything from this week’s episode of The Legend of Korra to her latest obsession with Judy Garland’s songs. For me, this stereotype holds true – I find my joy in riding a sad train with Anna Karenina or dressing up as Esther Greenwood for Halloween. My contentment is not found only in the nooks and crannies of libraries or underneath my covers or even in my local café. Instead, it is found in an exclamation point...
Princeton University
"You have to keep yourself open and aware to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open." -Agnes de Mille in her biography, Martha: The Life and Work of Martha Graham, quoting Martha Graham. A proper ballet bun is created in exactly one way.First, draw your hair into a high ponytail tight enough to provide an instant facelift...
Princeton University
There was a red streak on the side of my right thumb. I hadn’t noticed it before that moment, as the part of the wings I had stationed myself in was nearly pitch black, shrouded from the milky light spilling off the stage. I rubbed it away quickly, and in doing so noticed it had stained the hem of the white dress I was wearing. It took me another minute to realize that the streak had reappeared on my thumb. I was bleeding...
Northwestern University
My academic focus at Boston College has been geared toward a degree in Chemistry. While I still have an interest in this field, I have come to realize that I am even more fascinated with the application of science to the field of psychology. The ideal degree path for me would be to major in both Chemistry and Psychology in the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences. Boston College does not offer the opportunity to major in both subjects because of the major requirements for each and the large core requirements within the School of Arts and Sciences. On the contrary, Northwestern’s quarter system provides more of an opportunity to attain a double major since students take more courses throughout the year...
Northwestern University
The cold air seeps through the window, taunting me, yearning to penetrate deep inside my bones. As I frantically search for more covers, an emptiness overcomes me. Attempting to allow the darkness of the night to guide my mind to the depths of sleep does not do me any good, for I am plagued with the truth that I am not living in a place I call home...
Stanford University
What five words best describe you? Ambassador. Performer. Listener. Kindhearted. Laughing...
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