Columbia University
Halfway through collecting data for my eighth grade science fair project, I realized my findings would produce no meaningful results. A fourteen-year-old middle school student embarking on my first attempt at science research, I could have given up, and nearly did, but I decided to make adjustments and include more data. That single decision changed the course of my high school career and has steered me toward a future of further research...
University of Southern California
MottephobiaIt lurks in the darkest corners of the night, camouflaged in shadow, silent and still. Stealthily, it creeps ever closer, unbeknownst to its potential victim...
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Harvard University
I cannot remember a time when the flag of the United States of America did not fly in my front yard. Because my Father is a former Marine; because my paternal Grandfather was a former Marine; because my maternal Grandfather was a US Soldier in WWII and a US Airman in Korea, I cannot remember a time when I was not and am not reminded on a daily basis that I was born into a family that served...
Harvard University
Courage has been part of my personality for a very long time. In nearly all aspects of my life, I am always the one to take on the toughest challenges, with courage and confidence. Growing up, my parents constantly instilled this motto to my brother and me—Fortune favors the bold...
Harvard University
This year, one mandatory senior course at Jesuit is economics and I enrolled myself in AP Macroeconomics (best decision, ever). I have learned much about the U.S. economy and its fluctuations away from and back to equilibrium, back to stability...
Harvard University
In old photographs, I had a scowl on my face as I looked at my younger brother, probably with envy because of the attention diverted from me. Today, the irony shocks me...
Harvard University
Standing like a lamb among silent staring lions, I cautiously observed the upperclassmen positioned behind tables, ready to snap me up and recruit me into their club as if doing so would satiate their deep hunger. Never then would I have imagined becoming the bell-ringing, headband-wearing, table-mounting young spirit that enlivens me today...
Brown University
Coming from the Bay Area, I was a perfect example of the sheltered-liberal paradox. Although as open-minded and accepting as one could be, I was totally ignorant to the mentalities of Americans across the nation. While growing up, I was socialized to become this liberal and Democratic citizen...
Brown University
I have always been one to really decide the courses I take and what I am interested in. Brown seems like the perfect university where students can have a lot more say about their education than other colleges. In high school, the curriculum is so rigid and tough because your counselor ultimately decides what classes you end up in. I feel college should be the chance for me to expand my academic and social interest...
University of Southern California
She was lying still, passed out again, drool on the bed covers. This was the fourth day; it was no longer a surprise to come home and see her this way. I could not help but cry, asking myself why– why couldn’t she just stop like she had promised? I felt angry, hurt, alone, miserable. I shook her, I screamed at her, and I begged her to wake up, but all I got back were some words she muttered...
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