The International Baccalaureate diploma programme requires intensely hard work and little sleep. But while embracing this seemingly masochistic way of life, I have grown intellectually so much that the whole experience was worth it...
Before I realized what had happened, I'm on my back, staring into the fat, sweating face of my opponent. He croons, "Come on sweetie, ain't'chya gonna get up? Or are ya just gonna lay there? I don't wanna hurt'chya, just lemme know when you give up."..
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It had been said, "Leaders are people who leave their footprints in their areas of passion." Whatever that passion may be, I hope to find it and do the same...
Brown University fosters the learning process, while encouraging creativity, discovery and success. There is a vast amount of knowledge just waiting to be acquired in this world. I have always had a kind of burning hunger for this knowledge - and I believe Brown would help me acquire it...
As a high school junior, I had the opportunity to spend a semester in Washington, D.C. as a Senate Page. For five months, I was able to sit on the floor of the Senate chamber and listen to speeches given by some of the most influential people of our time. I rubbed shoulders with the likes of Hillary Rodham Clinton, Barack Obama, Ted Kennedy, and John McCain...
My Theory of Knowledge (TOK) class has been my most meaningful experience in high school. As the cornerstone of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme, this class serves to create well-rounded and socially aware students. High school students rarely have the opportunity to examine their world philosophically. I do not know of many high schools that offer their students a chance to take an interdisciplinary and philosophy class...
Among art, science, and law, art is the most crucial part of the society. Within art comes every manner of expression used by humankind to further itself. These forms of expression, which are essential to creating the culture of society, include music, language, storytelling, drama, beliefs, and religion...
“You don’t act black.” Such is a statement that appears in a hypocritical nation. Our society externally supports the advancement and education of its people, but many harbor stereotypes that have a negative effect on a large group of people in America...
The scientist within me yearns to study at Yale, where I can conduct research with world-renowned faculty, placing myself at the forefront of science through the YSER program. However, Yale appeals to more than just my passion for science, offering an excellent liberal arts education, a unique residential college system, and a diverse and lively community of scholars...
I nervously entered the classroom, unsure of what to expect. The posters in the hallway had advertised “Philosophy Club: Wednesdays at 3:00 in Room 312.” Intrigued, I decided to attend. It was my first year of high school, and I was eager to try new things...