University of Southern California, Graduate Cinematic Arts Other
What is the role of art in society? George Orwell listed “political purpose” as one of the four reasons for why he writes: “Using the word ‘political’ in the widest possible sense. Desire to push the world in a certain direction, to alter other peoples’ idea of the kind of society that they should strive after...
I wasn’t born where I was supposed to be born. Two weeks before I was due, my parents boarded a plane in poverty-stricken Baroda, a village in India, and headed for Jersey City, New Jersey...
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Suspend. Resuspend. Survey after survey, math model after math model – some find the world of research a rather humdrum, monotonous chore. Research, to me, is the single building block of every field...
People think for there to be a hero there must be a villain, but only a series of trials to be overcome need exist. No villains are in my story only flawed people who are an integral part of me, my volunteer work and academic success...
Growing up bullied by Hispanic classmates in a Hispanic-American neighborhood in Los Angeles, I have always viewed my own Chinese culture as something alien, something to be ashamed of...
Growing up in a predominately Hispanic ghetto in Los Angeles, I have struggled to balance three different cultures in a multi-ethnic city. Bullying by my Hispanic classmates led me to view my own Chinese culture as something alien, something to be ashamed of. However, it is through my local Chinese school that I have maintained my own culture, my identity...
Being raised in Mexico, having obtained an education in the United States and interning in Germany has given me the opportunity to gain 3 different perspectives on the relationship between human behavior, cultural value and the physical environment. It was in Mexico where I first encountered and became fascinated with architecture by observing my surroundings...
Throughout High School I have made many friends with all different kinds of people. In eleventh grade, I befriended a specific group of girls that I had always dreamed of being friends with. They were smart, pretty, and popular. I had so much fun with them, and found that I fit in well for the first time in my life. However, coming into senior year, the group started to fall apart...
I have always been a passionate person. Ever since I was little, I dreamed of making a difference in the world. Throughout my childhood I explored many different clubs and activities in order to broaden my horizons. I loved it all - but one particular area interested me the most...