As a student in AP Physics C I was given the opportunity to be a teacher’s assistant for the AP Physics B classes. This led directly to me becoming a tutor for individual students, the defining aspect of my senior year...
Deafening cheers erupted throughout the exhibition hall, rivaling the shouting announcer. Signs bearing team names and numbers swayed in the air as mascots jumped and danced. However, none of those signs boasted my team’s number, and our two Buff n’ Blue mascots were nowhere to be found. Our entire section of the bleachers did not move; everybody sat motionless, in a stunned silence, wondering what had just happened. This marked the ending to my first high school robotics season...
Engineering interests me so much because of what we, as humans, are able to create together. The sheer amount of cooperation and innovation that engineering promotes is why I love being on my school’s robotics team; the collaboration involved lies on a scale I had not encountered before. I had experienced a sense of unity with each of my woodwind quintets, but that was only five people...
Up until recently, the name Carnegie Mellon was of no importance to me aside from discussions of Andrew Carnegie’s exploits and philanthropic activities in my US history class. However once my guidance counselor listed Carnegie Mellon as a “good fit” school something inside of me wanted to know more. Pursuing this interest opened my eyes to Carnegie Mellon’s true nature: a place where I could pursue my interest in engineering whilst maintaining a passion for playing music...
My traitorous legs, astutely aware of the unholy hour at which the flight landed, were sound asleep. Neon signs with their outlandish shapes and letters danced before my eyes, their exotic figures weaving dreamlike patterns all around me. I fought to stay awake, but the capering images had an eerie hypnotic effect, and soon my head slumped against the leathery headrest of the taxi. Thus began my American dream...
If it was not for Sherry Lansing, Chairman and CEO of Paramount Pictures, many of the major motion pictures of the 21st century would be nothing more than fanciful scripts. If it was not for John Opel, former president of IBM, this essay would never find its way into the hands of admission officers. In all facets of our society, Chicago alumnus has set illustrious precedents, and their achievements have truly made a difference in the world...
Contentment is difficult. Contentment must be predictable enough not to be overly stressful, engaging enough not to be boring, defined enough to be grasped, but still elusive enough to be in contention. Contentment is not found in passivity, but in engagement. Although I have found passing contentment in drinking tea, watching a storm, or reading a favorite book, the greatest contentment I have ever experienced was in an art gallery while viewing the works of Glen Ligon...
My goals are to live in the desert and create spacecraft, preferably while fostering children as an old woman. Efficiency dictates that I perfect my skills in all necessary areas, notably: being crotchety, applied math and science, and engineering. The University of Chicago is the ideal place for me to start...
Mantis Shrimp are unfortunate enough to have to live underwater. This is an incredibly biased opinion, however, because if the shrimp were asked, they would undoubtedly believe that we, as far fetched as it sounds, are the unfortunate ones, living with all of the air and dry land. If we were on speaking terms, this relatively huge divide between our cultures would be devastating...
Every family has a specific school they feel connected to in some way or another. My family has been immense University of Michigan fans throughout their lives. I was not an automatic fan just because of my family...