Brown caught my eye in seventh grade as I read The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. One of my favorite characters, Bridget, an outgoing soccer-player, decided to attend. As a self-described uncoordinated introvert who trips over air, I’m quite the opposite of Bridget, but have always wanted to be more like her...
Elizabeth Bishop, my favorite poet, once wrote that “the art of losing isn’t hard to master.” Recently I had the chance to experience the verity of these words when I abruptly lost an identity I had falsely adopted. Reminiscent of the difficulty I used to have deciding which Barbie to pretend to be with my little sister – how could I possibly choose between “Business Barbie,” “Doctor Barbie,” and “Teacher Barbie” when I wanted to explore them all at the same time? – I unexpectedly found myself being asked to personify “Lacrosse Julia” as a junior...
Over the years, I have found all of my favorite subjects to be interconnected by one constant: human nature. English analyzes its inner workings while history shows how human nature is reflected in events of the past. Psychology views the development of human nature from a more deductive perspective, searching for the means to better understand the mysteries of the human mind...
I suppose epiphanies happen everywhere – in libraries, schools, and homes – but I never expected something inside me to click at an all-you-can-eat Italian buffet. Yet, as a few friends, their English teacher, and I sat around slices of pizza debating Anton Chekhov’s “A Man in a Case,” I experienced one of those lightbulb moments...
I initially found out about Brown by listening to my mom’s stories about going there. I’ve been surprised by the number of times I’ve seen the eyes of teachers and others light up when I mention Brown as my first choice; “oh yes,” they say, “that is absolutely the perfect place for you.”..
One of the most exciting things for me about college is the chance to learn for the sake of knowledge, and to explore as many different things as possible. Brown’s lack of a core curriculum would help me in these pursuits...
I spent the spring of my junior year on a semester abroad program in Israel. During those four months, we saw and experienced many unforgettable things, but none as dramatic as the four days we were in the Israeli army...
The UN Development Goals doesn’t list making brownies as a strategy. The architects of the Marshall Plan never considered selling cupcakes to rebuild Western Europe. And Gandhi went on a hunger strike to gain Indian independence, so desserts certainly weren’t on his mind...
Scientific inquiry has always been something that I have enjoyed and treasured. My grandfather is a research chemist, and some of my fondest childhood memories are of exploding milk cartons and building electrical circuits with him in his garage. Later in physics class, I learned how scientific laws affect everyday life...
Scientific inquiry has always been something that I have enjoyed and treasured. My grandfather is a research chemist, and some of my fondest childhood memories are of exploding milk cartons and building electrical circuits with him in his garage...