As part of my high school’s Research in Biology program, I developed a research project to conduct on my own. This led to the most intellectually exhilarating experience I’d ever had...
I would create a course called Modern Medical Ethics. In this course, students would explore both the science behind many of today’s medical advances, as well as the ethical implications of such practices...
I want a career that blends many of my interests and elements of my personality. I am very passionate about finding a way to help others, and I think I could best accomplish this by practicing medicine...
It was 1:15 a.m. on a July night as I gazed out my dorm window. Leaving my half-finished research paper, I counted the few windows still illuminated by cold fluorescent light...
At the age of sixteen, I was accepted to the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, a public residential high school that draws students from across North Carolina. As soon as I set my bags down inside the concrete walls of my new dorm room, culture shock set in. I found myself surrounded by a half dozen new cultures, each with its own unique perspectives...
Struggle. The word is typically used to express difficulty with one thing or another, but to me it combines the difficulty of the task and the exertion needed to complete it...
The summer after my sophomore year, I read a book that dramatically changed my view of healthcare in the United States. Every day after volunteering at my local hospital, it was incredibly interesting to sit down and read Unaccountable by Dr. Marty Makary. The book thoroughly examines a topic that has been brought up frequently over the last decade: Americans pay more for healthcare than any other country, and our system may actually be harming our health...
My high school distinguishes itself by offering students the chance to participate in scientific research. When I was accepted to NCSSM, I was determined to take advantage of such an opportunity, though I knew little about scientific research...
I am a blend of different, sometimes seemingly opposite passions. I spend hours in a Cystic Fibrosis research lab, dash to Latin America Festival dance rehearsal, then hurry to swim practice. My heritage, a blend of Puerto Rican, Cuban, and European families, helps me appreciate many cultures...
I am a blend of different, sometimes seemingly opposite parts. I spend hours in lab testing viral vectors to treat Cystic Fibrosis, and then dash out the door to make it to Latin America Festival dance practice on time. My heritage, a blend of Puerto Rican, Cuban, and European families, helps me appreciate many cultures. I am in no way a one-trick pony...