Georgetown University
Though for self-interested reasons, workers of industrialized nations, particularly in the United States, inseparably surround the idea of outsourcing, “shipping jobs overseas,” with negative connotations. What many of these frustrated workers neglect to realize, though, is that relocating blue-collar industry sectors overseas does not spontaneously transfer success or benefits to their foreign counterparts...
Georgetown University
Their exact identity remains uncertain, yet they are familiar to all people, and their authority rarely meets inquisition or doubt. Born of a grammatical error, a simple failure to identify a subject before the use of a pronoun, “they” have come forth as the world’s omniscient confidantes and mentors. They can appear as a reference in an argument void of true evidence, a substitute when the name of another is forgotten, or the scapegoat sacrificed to conceal a culprit’s guilt...
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New York University
Diversity is an important concept to me considering I am a part of a society where diversity is common. I have found that different people with different ethnicities and backgrounds have different points of view and stories that they have to share with us. These stories could influence our opinions and alter the way we live our lives...
New York University
Assuming it is a Tuesday and I am at home at 4 p.m., I would begin the homework assigned to me and often times assist my younger brother in any difficulty he may face with his work. If we have finished our work, we would then go outside to the nearby park and play basketball with our other friends...
University of California Los Angeles
I’m a Kleenex. At least… that’s how I feel with my so-called friends. Like a Kleenex, I was always there in times of need.....
New York University
When I was five years old, my father passed away. I remember the entire day vividly, from sitting in the hospital waiting room to the song was playing on the radio on the car ride home (“Manic Monday” by The Bangles). I lost a lot on that day...
Tufts University
For my personal essay I thought it was really important to put a positive spin on a difficult experience from my childhood; the loss of my mother. The death of a loved one can make for a really powerful essay but it is important to not come across as if you're just looking for "sympathy points". Everyone faces challenges in their life, some more so than others...
Tufts University
Cinderella, Snow White, and Hansel and Gretel—what do these fairy tales have in common? The infamous step-mother. A well-known component of many fairy tales, the evil step-mother is fortunately just a fallacy.....
University of Cambridge
-“Why should you go to MIT?” Coming from the Emerald Isle it seems only natural to follow in the footsteps of previous centuries’ austerity-ridden Irishmen. Specifically New England presents the tantalising prospect of building on my almost two years’ experience of old England to date...
The College of New Jersey
The vocabulary of children is generally small, so knowing a five syllable medical term at the age of seven, to most, would seem to be an anomaly. For me, however, knowing the word hemangioma by the time I was in kindergarten was unsurprising considering the impact it had had on my life thus far...
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