You see that girl power-walking down the hallways, carrying the Mt. Everest of textbooks, trying to get to class early? Yeah, that was me. I was considered the quirky kid and that is understandable...
Radiology is like a puzzle – only that you're given all the pieces but you have to find the faulty one, the anomaly of the human body. Now that the gauntlet has been thrown, I am drawn to that area of study, but first, the quest for the school that best arms me with the tools to solve it...
Walking down the stairs of my house, the familiar boom of Matthew’s timpani fill my ears, each roll fiercer than the former. Similarly, I hear the passionate bowing and delicate pizzicatos of Peter’s cello, declaring magnificent sounds of effortless clarity. These encounters are not abnormal or extraordinary, but rather commonplace. I do not just live in a house; I live in a conservatory!..
I swam in the crystal waters of the Mediterranean every summer of my childhood, and walked the crowded streets of Cairo, where I saw the neglected poor, and indifferently passed the despised Mubarak posters. Although to friends and strangers, this seemed like an exotic experience, I took my yearly trip to Egypt for granted for most of my life. The busy streets of Cairo, the traffic, the donkeys, and the azure Mediterranean seemed as familiar to me as the manicured gardens, the paved freeways, and the perfect malls of California...
How I Got Into Photography And Beyond
Am I going to be arrested?
My elementary aged self fretfully pondered this question through the long, sleepless night...
I breathe in; I breathe out. My shoes click with the wooden stage as they rub against the massive blisters that scar my heels. My heart beats rapidly while the girls that ridiculed me snicker. Meanwhile, my family, teachers, and classmates encourage me with their smiles. I think of the hours of drills, the hours of practice, and the hours of dreaming of first place. I breathe in; I breathe out. It all disappears as I point my toe and take that first leap...
During my years in high school, the concept of a liberal arts, broad based education made sense: learning how to learn fueling an immersion in course work with far reaching application going forward. Having the opportunity to attend Miss Porter’s School exposed me to ideas in the classroom and experiences abroad that helped to cultivate a curiosity and passion for international relations with a focus on efforts to improve global health...
As a student in elementary school, it was determined that I had a non-verbal learning disability, predicting that I would enjoy strength in language-based subjects such as English and Social Studies, but I would find difficulty in the non-verbal areas of math and the math-based sciences, physics and chemistry...
There are several reasons which explain my passion for The George Washington University, from a personal, intuitive feeling, to the contemplation of specific programs. During my two visits to campus, I immediately felt at home within the vibrant, intellectual atmosphere. This was different; I have not harbored a similar feeling after visiting any other campus, including the college where I am now...
She turned to me and asked “How do you feel about this Amanda? You, being the only black person in this class, what perspective can you give us on the use of the ‘n’ word in this novel?” It was in this English 1 Honors/ Gifted class that my small, ninth grade, fourteen year old world was shaken...