New York University, Baruch College- CUNY, Loyola Marymount University
I am applying to X X University intending to major in Economics and Mathematics. I feel it is the best place to prepare me for graduate school, and, therefore, to pursue my ambition to work as a professor of Economics while conducting research in Labor and Experimental Economics. I believe that the ethics and values that I have discovered through my academic career, combined with my rigorous relationship to research, and my multi-lingual skills, provide me with a strong foundation to continue my educational goals at XX...
University of Pennsylvania
I stood around for a few seconds, waiting for a spark of guilt to hit me and burn away the fragile confidence I had somehow mustered up before the confrontation. Instead, to my astonishment, a wave of relief drowned out whatever doubts I had. This is my job and I had upheld its values for the betterment of both teams. Fine, maybe my boss will hear about this. But at least my conscience won’t...
University of Pennsylvania
Culture to me has always been a perplexing puzzle. When each piece is inspected individually, it is fairly easy to determine where it belongs to. A hand holding chopsticks will not be mistakenly put into the American culture side and the same circumstances go for a girl roasting smores. Once all the pieces are fitted, I am left with two main blocks of pieces that do not fit together. This box says “My Culture”, yet the pieces have come from separate sets...
University of Pennsylvania
I was in the middle of another cycle of depression in my sophomore year when my Economics teacher introduced microbanking to me. Economics and philanthropy have always been two of my interests and this combination was the whole dream team...
University of Pennsylvania
I’ve only driven around Downtown Dallas a few times before due to its distance from my town. However, every time I do, the glare of the metal structure in city hall always catches my eye. It is always an awe to see such a majestic structure stand amidst of industrial zones. Named “Moore to the Point’, the structure is designed to be an ambiguous work with shadows that distort the forms depending on the time of day to give the viewer a different experience each time she walks through it...
University of Pennsylvania
When Google Glasses were first introduced at the Google I/O Convention, my excitement could not be contained for weeks. To my friends, it was just a device to capture pictures of attractive people with the blink of an eye, but for me, it was the embodiment of the future. I envisioned the potential solutions it could provide, one of which, was reducing obesity. When I explained my idea to my friends, they gazed at me with puzzled looks...
California Institute of Technology
Inputs = ("CalTech", “Location”, “Balance”, “Peers”, “Faculty”)How_to_create_the_next_technology_mogul = "Success = %s+ %s+ %s +%s + %s." print How_to_create_the_next_technology_mogul % Inputs ……... Tinker, co-founder of Future Industries, stared intently at the screen, waiting. Nothing appeared. Oh what he’d give to just look at stars. Exhausted, he called up his co-worker, “Hey Thinker, the code still won’t work.” A man in a white coat walked over. “That’s odd. What do you think, Stinker?”..
New York University
I never really minded being broke as a kid because I was never really into toys or playing outside; my love went to food. The first time I ever felt broke was when I started freshman year at Stuyvesant High School. Chamber Street had some of the best food in the city and the best part was that I was able to go outside during lunch to enjoy it. But then I saw my predicament; I couldn’t afford to eat out...
It is common to see replicas of world-famous buildings created with Lego’s, in fact in Legoland, the world is created with just Lego’s. My world, too, shares many similarities with the Lego world.I remember how I enjoyed stacking the little bricks together when I was young, the white ones stacked on the black ones, which were then stacked on the yellow ones and so forth; they were what started my passion for buildings and structures...
Duke University
By day, my mom is the boss of a jewelry company in New York, and by night, she transforms into a housewife, doing laundry and tidying the house. When duty calls, she ventures into foreign lands for business, single-handedly defeating the evilest exhibitors with her excited hand-gestures and persuasive words...
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