Duke University
At age six, I decided to become Grandma’s caretaker. With my parents working long hours, I was the only one available to concoct culinary experiments and prepare tea for Grandma, who read newspapers with a magnifying glass and felt her way along the house. Because of her eyesight, serving became second nature to me, and for the past twelve years, I saw everything through adult eyes...
University of California- Los Angeles
I stepped onto the floor of the gymnasium and slowly started to set my flag, rifle, and saber. I felt a mixture of excitement and fear. I could hear the whispers of a few audience members bounce off the walls and ring in my ears. They doubted our abilities, saying, "Rosemead?..
Northwestern University
I come from a world that is constantly evolving and changing, just as I am. Still, amidst the moves from one country to another, the new friends and the old memories, and the obstacles and the achievements, one thing has remained constant in my life. When I was ten years old, my parents introduced me to Nichiren Buddhism, a sect of Buddhism that deals with spirituality rather than religion. This philosophy went on to shape my perception of my world, my aspirations, and myself...
University of Michigan- Ann Arbor
I crave an education that embraces the passion for learning, encourages the passion for new interests, and embodies the passion for community service. After discovering the beauty of the University of Virginia through a current U.Va. student, I recognized how the university not only fosters these ambitions, but thrives on them as well...
Northwestern University
I am a social activist, a thespian, and a closet math geek. Few things give me as much joy as solving differential calculus equations or performing a monologue under Stanislavski’s Method. At the same time, I am a leader and active member in my community. As my school’s Community Service Coordinator, I have worked on gender equality and female empowerment campaigns across my school and city...
University of Michigan- Ann Arbor
Prove m = love for problem solving. Ever since elementary school, my eccentric affinity for numbers emerged from my love for challenges and problem solving. I adored the ability to pursue math problems and piece together answers like puzzles...
university of Michigan- Ann Arbor
After discovering the beauty of Notre Dame through a current Notre Dame student, I recognized how the university not only fosters my ambitions, but thrives on them as well.At Notre Dame, I would be afforded with the opportunity to explore all my academic and cultural curiosities through both my coursework and extracurricular activities...
University of Pennsylvania
There I was, grudgingly attending youth group one Sunday night. It’s not that I disliked youth group, it’s just that I had other things on my mind. How in the world am I going to finish that English paper in time to wake up for practice in the morning? “Everyone, tonight we are writing our statement for the It Gets Better project,” called the youth advisor, attempting to collect everyone from around the room. My friends and I had one task—to compose a statement that depicted our feelings regarding LGBT bullying...
University of Michigan- Ann Arbor
Cameras began rolling and stage lights powered up as Simon Sinek prepared to take the stage to film his TED talk on “How Great Leaders Inspire Change.” The audience eagerly took their seats as Sinek embarked on his exploration of the work ethics of some of our country’s most revered leaders and pioneers. As Sinek progressed through his presentation, he repeatedly stated, “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.”..
University of Michigan- Ann Arbor
One by one, we gracefully stepped on stage, smiling from ear to ear and gazing out into the lively, cheering crowd. Once everyone was in place, we motioned to each other to begin our final bow. In a simple, harmonized act, we delicately raised and lowered each of our limbs, closing out another wonderful year at Studio 93 School of Dance...
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