The Kalundborg Eco-industrial Park is an example of why I want to study electrical engineering, as it is composed of advanced farms and factories that capture by-products and distribute those by-products to other members of the eco-park. Engineered to create a system that is greater than the sum of the parts, the Eco-Park connects not only factories but also ideas. Carnegie Mellon’s Carnegie Institute of Technology is also a community that connects ideas with people...
I can usually place people I meet into two categories: Jobs' and Wozniaks'. Their partnership revolutionized personal computing, the laptops or desktops you and I use are defined, at least partly, by their partnership.
Wozniak once said without Jobs he would have probably end up in the back room of some software company coding, and Jobs said without Wozniak there would have been no foundation for Apple we see today...
The education I wish to have in engineering may become outdated, but the engineering skills and outlook Harvey Mudd would instill in me will not. Harvey Mudd acknowledges engineering is an advancing field, and thus it will not confine me to conventional boundaries...
Early, every morning my parents sit down in our houses prayer room. They ring a small bell, light an oil lamp and place flowers next to little statues that represent Hindu gods. When I was young, I saw my parents watching religious shows before I went to school; the programs showed our gods walking on clouds. The next time we went on a plane, I asked why can't I see the gods?..
I thought about the Post-it notes I had plastered over her wall this morning, wishing her a belated birthday. The decoration was multicolored, filled with smiley face stickers, exclamation points, and Carpe diem quotes—the whole nine yards. She used to decorate my room when it was my birthday, and I had hoped that seeing my decorations would make her happy...
I come from a family which values all-round excellence above anything else. I have three brilliant elder brothers, and since young I’ve been raised to take pride in my work; maintaining the pinnacle of my performance and hence always coming out top was of utmost importance. In the small town community that I was born in, such consistent distinction is hard to go unnoticed and as a result, I have had my fair share of certificates and newspaper appearances. I relished the credit I was given for my achievements...
As we walked into the party, we were greeted by the sound of lively Turkish chatter. A band played with gusto in the center of the enthused dancers. The six of us sat down at an elegantly set table, but the music begged us to join in. The dancers pumped their arms in the air with every beat, encircling the elegant bride-to-be. She was dancing with her father; they were participating in a time-honored wedding tradition, the Turkish henna ceremony...
I visited Northwestern University on a wintry day that could have easily been the coldest of the year. Snow frosted the ground and the campus was void of student life. The tour was painful; wind whipped at my cheeks and blew my hood off, but in retrospect I’m glad I made it through the entire visit...
An argument escalated on the corner of Stewart and Dupont in downtown Flint, as seventeen year old Jaylin Morris quickly passed by on his way home from the corner gas station. In an unmitigated rage, one of the men rapidly drew a Colt 1911 from the depths of his overcoat. Before Jaylin could escape the shooter’s range, shots were fired...
It’s not supposed to be cold in California. I’m supposed to surf to school, not bike. My knees are cold. I didn’t even know knees could be cold. My gym shorts are the opposite of insulating, and every time I push a pedal down, a cold wind soars up my leg. I didn’t have coffee, because making coffee adds 15 minutes to my routine, and I cherish every minute of sleep...