Whether this is considered a quality or a talent depends on whom you ask, but I believe that my adoration for words - and by consequence, what I do with them - is one of the most special aspects about me. Simply put, language excites me. Novels, short stories, poems, literary analysis papers, a chemistry laboratory report, a newspaper column, biographies, diaries, love letters; whatever the medium, I have dabbled in it, and I have expanded my mind because of it. I love to read and write...
My world, logistically speaking, cannot be pinpointed: I have lived in three states in America and attended six different schools from elementary school through high school. These were such radically different places for a growing, angst-ridden, perplexed, and lost kid, and I felt as though I had been put in a centrifuge, only to be expelled into a new place but never knowing where or at what time. The constant change in location - and therefore in schools, friends, and cultures - has not only shaped me, but also defined me as the young person I am looking ahead to a world full of even more change...
{Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you. (500 word limit)}
It was a typical weekday evening: the TV blasting in the poorly lit living room as I did my homework on my favorite couch surrounded by family. Normally I can tune out the noise and focus on the task at hand, but this time the news anchors were publicizing laws similar to those of Arizona’s SB1060, subjecting people who “looked illegal” to have to provide evidence of citizenship. They continued to describe immigrants as alien drug smugglers, taking the jobs of citizens, and people who used government programs at tax payers’ expense. States were taking action to deport the bandits they thought to be the face of all immigrants-even the face of those who were sitting right there in the living room with me...
There were around twenty relatives who had flown in that February night; it was late when we all met up at the house. Some of them claimed they had met me, but I barely remembered anyone by name, and they all looked the same anyway. Everyone had my grandmother’s blue eyes and shared her maiden name, but they harbored accents with a tinge of the Midwest, and I didn’t know what to talk about with them.
The music box had been in the back of my mind all day...
When my dad first mentioned Tulane, I was skeptical. I knew that I wanted a small liberal arts school, and Tulane didn’t seem like it fit that mold. However, the more I looked into Tulane, I realized that it is in fact a small liberal arts college, among many other things. Tulane is great because it has the best of both worlds...
According to my parents, I came home from camp each summer a different person. From the summer before sixth grade until the summer before my junior year, I attended Camp Fuller in Wakefield, RI for a month. Camp was a sanctuary, a place where I could both reflect on and escape my life at home. My second summer at camp was when I really started to thrive. I found my group of friends and started taking risks that I never would have imagined before...
A major problem facing the U.S. is our large carbon footprint and its effect on global warming. While many factors contribute to pollution, the EPA states that 75% of carbon emissions come from motor vehicles. If cars ran on cleaner fuel sources the amount of pollution the United States produces would be greatly reduced. While electric cars are already a reality, they are not yet practical for most consumers...
Like in college, my residential high school has professional dorm staff and upperclassmen (RLST’s) who provide the day to day support for all dorm issues. I was an RLST for two years, and was the only junior offered the position last year. RLST’s assist new students in acclimating to residential life, mediate roommate issues, and organize hall activities to promote bonding and relieve tension.Although I aspired to be an RLST, I truly didn’t think it would involve personal sacrifice...
Diaphragm contracting into lungs, muscles sliding over bone, ligaments and tendons stretching and tightening; my body works in harmony. The rhythm of my feet pounding into the wet earth is infinitely satisfying. Cool air stings my lungs and I am free. This is Cross Country...
{"Ben Franklin once said, “All mankind is divided into three classes: those that are immovable, those that are movable, and those that move.”Which are you?"}
I am not immovable. I am not movable. I move.
To be immovable is to be so stuck in tradition and ritual that progress is impeded. Being immovable means being stubbornly convinced of your own beliefs. It means being unreceptive to ideological diversity. It means being wary of change and compromise. If you are immovable, you are resistant to growth. In order to be a productive member of society, you cannot stagnate. You must move forward...