Since I can remember, art has been an activity I enjoy doing. At a young age I began doodling in my workbooks and drawing in my spare time. When starting out I used mostly pencils, sometimes experimenting with pen or watercolor paints. Although I did not have fancy materials, I did the best with what I did have...
“Yes!” I pull myself out of the pool, pick up my towel from the timer’s chair, and scuttle over to my swim coach. “Hey, I just saw your race. You swam well today.” “Yeah, thanks,” I respond, still breathing heavily, as one of my teammates, Aaron, approaches us. Aware I had just raced, Aaron asks, “How’d you do?” I answer proudly, “1:13!” He quickly replies, “Oh, I’m sorry…” Through a brief silence, my coach informs Aaron, “That’s her personal record.” Thanks, Aaron...
Traveling is a highly rewarding experience of personal growth and it is the most important endeavor I have yet to embark on. I have traveled to many cities, countries, and continents, but my journey to Tanzania remains absolutely unparalleled...
Time pervades into all aspects of my daily life, but while sitting in my Honors Philosophy course, the topic of time surfaced as something I knew little about. As the fourth dimension, time presents itself in a scientific forum; an object can move forward and backward, up and down, and side to side, comprising the first three dimensions...
Dear Future Stanford Roommate:
Enclosed you will find an inside view of Annie Ryan’s life via the Apple iPhone.
Open up my safari browser. At this very moment, the internet windows include Shakespeare’s paraphrased Sonnet 144 (because… who can understand that the first time around?), the lyrics to John Mayer’s song “Clarity” (because of my unconditional love for his powerful musical messages), my aunt’s blog (because I sincerely enjoy keeping up with my family… all 44 cousins, 21 aunts and uncles, 4 grandparents, 2 siblings, and the rest of the extended branches)..
{Ben Franklin once said, “All mankind is divided into three classes: those that are immovable, those that are movable, and those that move.”Which are you?}
Franklin had politics in mind when he said this. The immovable are set in their beliefs and see the world in black and white. Those that move are leaders who persuade, mobilize, and focus the efforts of others to accomplish goals. The movable allow flexibility, compromise, and rational thinking. It is easy to draw parallels with the present American society and politics...
From the moment I step onto the field for marching band practice, the rest of the world is put on hold. I take a swig of water, tighten my shoelaces, and breathe in the aroma of freshly-cut grass. In an instant, the drum major commands that we move into our first set and stand at attention. As I sprint to my assigned dot, tomorrow’s statistics test is not on my mind; the thought of today’s Spanish quiz is nowhere to be found...
“Why should I listen to you? I don’t have to and you can’t make me!”
The kid whom I asked to do a favor for me was a foot taller, and he shrugged off my comment. With every inch’s difference, my importance felt like it was shrinking. It wasn’t the first time either. Some of my friends even use me as a shoulder rest because they are far taller than me. Although they don’t realize it, I feel my confidence waning...
The summer before my junior year, I wanted to help out with research in a lab. Unfortunately, I was too young to be legally allowed to work most places. I didn’t want to wait until the next summer to do research, though, so I decided to do my own. First, I decided it would be best to do field work, since I don’t have many connections to people in labs, and since I’m most interested in biology...
I attended a math and science magnet program at Roberto Clemente Middle School. There were a lot of smart kids there who were dedicated and hard-working and had families who were willing and able to help them. I absolutely loved my time there. However, Clemente is in the middle of a pretty rough neighborhood, and, like many other schools with a low-income population, it rarely meets its standardized testing goals...