University of Pennsylvania
"Are you a mover, movable, or immovable?"I have never really liked museums. Many a time I have felt silly for not appreciating museums as other intellectuals do. But I now realize that I am of a different sort. I do feel that museums add much value to a society, but they are just not the lens through which I prefer to view it...
University of Pennsylvania
By the time my father was in high school, he had stopped believing in monsters. But that does not mean that they did not exist. Twenty eight years ago my father’s monster came for him. Its name was “cancer” and it haunted him for a year and a half. He was a seventeen year old, African American male whose future was beyond bright, but his monster did not care...
University of Pennsylvania
{Ben Franklin once said, 'All mankind is divided into three classes: those that are immovable, those that are movable, and those that move.' Which are you?} At the daycare where I volunteer, there are two babies who are polar opposites. Che is an energetic toddler who is constantly running and falling. Julian is a shy baby who can walk, but rarely tries because he is not willing to risk falling until he has mastered getting around with his toy strollers. Though Che draws the attention, I focus more on Julian, because I was like him as a baby...
University of Pennsylvania
{A Penn education provides a liberal arts and sciences foundation across multiple disciplines with a practical emphasis in one of four undergraduate schools: the College of Arts and Sciences, the School of Engineering and Applied Science, the School of Nursing, or the Wharton School. Given the undergraduate school to which you are applying, please discuss how you will engage academically at Penn.} My academic interests have long been trending towards Social Studies as the area that I want to pursue. International Relations, Government, Economics, and Public Policy are fascinating to me, as they seem relevant, tangible, and practical. My favorite class in junior year was AP Government and Politics, because I could so directly connect the political theory from long ago to what I saw happening in the country at the time...
University of Pennsylvania
Model United Nations (MUN) has given me skills in public speaking, debate, and writing, and taught me about international affairs, working in groups, and creating consensus. However, becoming closely connected to my international peers has been a unique benefit of MUN...
University of Pennsylvania
BERT JEFFERSON: Small-town, Middle American reporter who gets caught up in the mania of a famous radio host stuck in the house of a generic family. A sincere and smart but somewhat floundering reporter who is overwhelmed by the craziness of the larger-than-life personalities he encounters. I was not bowled over when I first read the script of “The Man Who Came To Dinner” and realized that I would be playing someone who was genuine, intelligent, and ultimately a little boring...
Northwestern University
Home is where the heart is, and proximity to home is something that is always on the forefront of a student’s mind as he or she is applying to college. When I began the college process I was not really sure which of the two extremes was right for me: as a Chicago resident both East Coast and West Coast schools are tantalizingly far away. Then I saw Northwestern...
Northwestern University
It has been seven months now. The last time I was truly and completely happy was over seven months ago. Back then, I was on top of the world: Junior year was almost over, spring break was just around the corner, and I had a beautiful, hilarious, and all around amazing girlfriend named Faith Dremmer, who I was completely in love with. Everything seemed to be going my way for once...
University of Pennsylvania
{Benjamin Franklin once said there are three types of people in the world: “All mankind is divided into three classes: those that are immovable, those that are movable, and those that move.” Which are you?} I move. I am sure every admissions counselor reads thousands of essays every year from thousands of students, each one attempting to become one of the fraction who actually gain admission to this esteemed institution. I am equally sure that, as I did at first, each student looks at this prompt and thinks to themselves, “What is the right answer?” In the end, the vast majority probably pick the ‘those that move’ option because they feel it sounds best, that it is “correct.”..
University of Pennsylvania
By all accounts, we should not have been anything alike.He lived in a small town; I lived in a large suburb. He was an only child living with his single mother; my parents are married with three other kids. He went to a Catholic school; I am an atheist who has gone to public school my entire life. We did not even speak the same language...
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