Northwestern University
I fell in love with Northwestern when I discovered the amazing academic opportunities available. I have always wanted to major in business or economics, and I would be thrilled to learn from some of the renowned economics professors like Stanley Reiter and Hilarie Lieb (I am especially interested in her lectures on the economics of gender). What really sold me on Northwestern, however, was the opportunity for a diverse academic experience...
Northwestern University
When I was told that I would be forced to pay for my debate tournaments for the year, I was livid. I thought about all of my savings that I had accrued over several years going down the drain in a few months. When I stomped into my house, my Airedale Terrier, Micky, immediately greeted me. She wagged her tail at warp speed, jumping on me and licking my face...
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San Jose State University
The Tahoe National Forest is home to a hydraulic gold mining town called ---, founded in the early 1850's. I have known about this site for at least a decade, though the first time I visited the site, I was unaware of its potential. It is a ghost town with no standing structures, the only permanent evidence being a graveyard overrun with plants...
Tulane University
What makes Tulane stand out to me is the Public Service Requirement. During my entire high school career, I have always worked to give back tomy community, whether through school organizations or BBYO. For the past three years, I have taken part in my school’s “Turkey Shoot”. The Turkey Shoot is an annual event which consists of people making baskets of food around Thanksgiving and delivering them to people in the community who are in need of food for the holiday...
Northwestern University
The morning of January 30, 2012, was not the typical January morning in Chicago. It was around 50 degrees and sunny, rather than below freezing and gray. Although I scheduled my visit hoping to experience a harsh Chicago winter day, I was pleasantly surprised by the weather, and even more so by the campus. As soon as I stepped foot on the campus, I knew Northwestern was the perfect school for me...
Northwestern University
The five year old girl stood 3 feet 2 inches tall and 1 foot from a light source that was 4 feet high. The little girl ran from the light source at a rate of 6 inches per year. At what rate did her shadow grow when she was 5 feet from the light? The problem stated above is not an ordinary shadow problem where the only variables are x, y, and t; this problem is a simplified version of my life. I was that 5 year old girl who stood 38 inches tall, running as fast as I could to get away from the 48 inch light source known as my sister...
Northwestern University
Breathless, I stand in the Louvre. All day I’ve fought against endless swarms of tourists congealing and dispersing around paintings and statues throughout the cavernous museum halls. Now, I linger. My map is sheathed, battle cries forgotten, and I gaze, wonderingly, at peace...
Northwestern University
“Do you like to run?” “No.” Conversations like this are usually followed by, “Then why do you run?” I am dumbstruck as I try to convey my relationship with running. 2:30pm. The bell rings. Mentally depleted, instead of walking to the bus, I trudge to the locker room. As I hear boisterous laughs and envy glowing smiles, I have one thing on my mind: the run...
Northwestern University
The Emulating Quartzite“Glenbard wins! Glenbard wins! The Glenbard North Panthers are champions!” Students rush to the outskirts of campus to where “The Rock” calmly rests. Excitement and giddiness engulf the students as they paint The Rock with vivacious colors that depict the latest update of their favorite team: the Panthers...
Northwestern University
With a heavily gloved hand, I blindly groped through a vat of acid trying to find what I was looking for. The fumes burned my nose, I searched faster, and finally grabbed a clean flask. I clamped it over a bath of warm oil and added a few drops of my precursor, a red liquid. Quickly, I walked across the lab to a bright blue cabinet labeled “acid”, removed a bottle, and walked back to my fume hood, aware of the consequences of a misplaced foot or hand...
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