Although born in the USA, I grew up and was educated in Mexico. I returned to the United States in August, 2012. In Mexico, I was a top student at a competitive school. I was a confident person. When I first arrived, everything seemed good...
California State University - Northridge Undergrad
Beyond The Average Working FaceBeing Hispanic and cleaning as a job has given me purpose to strive for more and show that I am not only good for cleaning. People think that I won’t go to college but the reality is that I want to and will. The only reason why I clean with my mother is to keep pushing myself to become something else in life...
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A Leap onto a Rusted World
Surrounded with books about the wonders of ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt; a younger version of myself could only imagine that I would grow up to search through tombs and temples discovering and interpreting artifacts. My goals and dreams have changed a lot since then...
When I look at Emory and Oxford’s history, I see many accomplished, successful graduates who have paved the way for my generation. People who once stood in my shoes, walked through those doors a freshman, and walked out with the education to become a representative member of society...
There has always been a major controversy over nurture versus nature. At the center of this debate is the question of is it a person's environment that shapes them into who they are or is it the person's upbringing and the people who they are raised by? My family has always been a major part of my life and has shaped me into the young woman that I am today...
Cleopatra and Octavia were two female leaders who were both similar and yet so different that came from competing societies. The difference in both pretense and method emphasizes the different ideals of their respective civilizations...
Everyone has dreams whether they are aware of them or not. Some people have known what career they wish to pursue ever since they were kids; and some find their passion post high-school. High-school opens up many opportunities for students to explore their interests and gain a higher knowledge in that specific subject...
“You ready?” he asks. I nod, masking my uncertainty. I have been waiting for this moment as long as I can remember, and I must swallow my fear. I grab my mother’s hand and close my eyes...
As a young girl, I remember receiving a child's vet kit for my birthday one year. It came complete with a plastic stethoscope and little syringe to give the stuffed dog its shots. I had known from the time I was very little that I wanted to pursue a career in the health field, whether it was as a veterinarian or as a physician. As I continued to grow, I became more and more convinced that medicine was my career of choice...