"Si jeunesse savait, si vieillesse pouvait." My mom has been telling me this phrase since I was only nine years old and I recall not having a single clue to what it meant. My skills in the French language were basic as I only knew introductory phrases like "hello" and "my name is." In a literal sense this saying means "if the youth only knew, if age only could."..
Imagine you are running around a ropes course facility, pool noodle in hand, surrounded by your entire high school junior class during a sorry excuse for a team-building game of tag. This simple childhood game sounds fun and innocent on the surface; however, I have seen past the lie. I know the true meaning of tag--utter disaster...
The world of Pokémon has one goal: to have fun. Well, my childhood mind believed it as I played in a seemingly never-ending life of digital extravagance. However, thinking back with a more mature mind, I can begin to understand why my mother always saw my treasured Game Boy, the lifeblood of my youth, as a wolf in sheep's clothing...
"Mr. Cole, I ate a rock, and it was the most awesomest thing ever," said Jack as I took him to the Nurse's Station. I was not guiding him there for the rock incident, though; the rock was the cherry on top of all the shaving cream he had devoured a half hour earlier. This ten-year-old dietary nuisance was one of the ten fifth-graders living in Pine cabin during week six of New Life Ranch's Summer Camp 2014...
Chicken Foot Soup is my favorite meal. Boiled chicken feet, seasoned with natural spices, thrown into a sunset orange broth. Oh, I almost forgot. The taste would not be the same if it were not for the added delicacies..
It was long ago, when Disney's "Sleeping Beauty" enchanted me, as a young girl. Though, just before my 18th birthday I have come to realize that the captivating memory of it, truly engages with the reality that I am facing...
“And just...one...minute...DONE! It’s perfect!!”
I looked up just in time to see my friend Gwendolyn throw her paint brush on the workbench. Her painted wooden cat smiled at me with a perfectly brushed-on, slightly upturned mouth...
I’m the kind of person for whom words come easily. Writing is like breathing to me, no matter what kind it is. I write to please, educate, influence, convey, and entertain...
My high school has its own dragon’s lair, if you subscribe to the notion that knowledge is worth its weight in gold. This lair is the Physics Demo Lab, where instead of piles of gold guarded by dragons, you’ll find near a hundred physics demonstration kits looked after by piglets—not the pink, squealing variety, but us, the members of the Physics Interest Group...
The forest seemed to whisper its secrets to Mr. Subaraj. As we hiked, he knew precisely when the dominant tree species was succeeded by another species (“See, the leaves beneath our feet have changed.”), and he could trace every sound we heard to the exact species of bird, beast, or insect...