Georgia Institute of Technology
In his convocation speech to the class of 2017, Nick Selby expressed the culture of innovation and endless opportunity at Georgia Tech by exclaiming, “Our mission as students is NOT to follow in the footsteps of the astronauts, Nobel Prize Laureates, and president who graduated before us, but to EXCEED their footsteps!" Tech students seek more than an education; they seek the opportunity to be more than themselves...
University of California - Berkeley
Our environment, the people, places and things with which we interact, define who we are and what we aspire to become. I was blessed with an environment that nurtured my creativity and encouraged innovative thought. While other kids watched cartoons or played GameCube, my toy of choice was always a box of Lego’s...
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University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
I began running in the 9th grade. Although at first it was for the fitness value, running has become much more for me. As my workload has been increasing throughout high school, so have my stress levels. In running I have found a chance to get away from it all, to stop thinking about my pile of homework, my packed schedule, or how much time I’ll be able to sleep that night. When I run, I have the opportunity to let my mind wander and to think about subjects that fascinate me...
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
The denotation of the word “madrich” is a guide, a supervisor, and a leader, however, the connotation implies much more. A madrich is also a teacher, supporter, and someone who his chanichim (campers) always look to. More importantly, a madrich is someone who works tirelessly to stimulate positive change in his community by teaching the values of pride, strength, and unity to his chanichim...
University of Florida
“I slept and I dreamed that life is all joy. I woke and I saw that life is all service. I served and I saw that service is joy.”Through this quote, poet Khahil Gibran perfectly expressed, my sentiments towards community service. The feeling of joy one gets from helping another and giving back to the community is like no other. Community service gives us the opportunity to strengthen our community, which makes us, as individuals, stronger...
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
Every year the Jewish Community Center of Aventura hosts The Maccabi Games, an opportunity for Jewish youth in South Florida to proudly represent their nationality in a series of athletic competitions. Every year, I walk onto the field, proudly sporting the Colombian uniform, and along with it all the lessons my mixed Colombian- Jewish heritage has ingrained into me...
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
What defines the University of Michigan School of Engineering isn’t the amount of top 10 majors it has, but rather the spirit of entrepreneurship and the thirst for innovation that is deeply embedded in the curriculum. University of Michigan engineering students thirst for innovation and long to enhance the human condition and solve the problems of tomorrow through their ideas...
University of California - Berkeley
Thirteen days: the amount of time between learning he was leaving his home in El Salvador to travel clandestinely into the United States, and his actual arrival here. Thirteen days: the amount of time I had to prepare myself for the day I would no longer be an only child. While awaiting my brother's arrival, I unexpectedly became a person who prayed...
University of California - Berkeley
I should preface this essay by saying I was going to write about myself and my identity. On my brainstorming paper, I have a list of topics that I could write about, from my family problems to my volunteer experience. They are all written around a central question on my paper. “Who am I?” As I continued to brainstorm, I realized something.I don’t know the answer to my question...
Princeton University
Picking up the burrito bowl I'd just ordered from Chipotlé, I sat down next to a girl I'd befriended earlier and a boy who I'd just met, and tuned into their conversation. "Well, neither charge symmetry nor parity symmetry exists, because of weak interactions." Wow, what light dinner conversation. I was curious, but only managed to catch a few snippets. "Hold on," I requested. "Can you explain to me what charge-parity symmetry is?"..
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